Hunt the Fox

I hope our Mr Fox is enjoying this as much as I am

**PS: I have forgotten, if I ever knew, how to post actual pictures into posts. I’ve searched FAQs and the possible answers are gibberish. Anyone help.plese?

Hi Mr t,

I have a photobucket account (its free) and you upload to there and copy the IMG link into the forum post…hey presto

Look for a image on Google, get the Web address and copy and paste it into the image tab. Simples.

Thanks, Kieran, I have used Photbucket but even on my new faster laptop it still seems a ball ache
Tim, I think that’s what I have done previously but somehow erased it from the memory bank. Thanks for the re-boot.
Who knows what images I might post now

Dah,dah . . . Edited previous post.

There will soon be a film …

If there’s going to be a film you’re gonna need a sound track



Whatever location he’s tracked down to, someone’s going to ask: “Wear the fox hat?”

He’s lurking about somewhere no doubt :slight_smile:

Busy, lots on really, I wont be a stranger for too long.

The S2 has very almost gone Steve, 99.9% of it will have left the building by this time next week, all but my wing, OEM clocks & the service manual. I reached my goal selling in bits but have gotten a bit lazy with the straggling parts. If I had of persisted selling one bit at a time I could have easily returned another £3-4k I think. The area I plan to do all the S1 work in has been cleaned up as of today and is now ready to go. :thumbup:

Nice to hear you are back jonny , and I am looking forward to seeing your S1 some time soon :slight_smile:


Nice to see you out of hibernation Jonny :slight_smile:

Glad we flushed you out. :clap: Was about to put a WANTED ad in Horse and Hound! :open_mouth:

Phew ordered is restored. Good to hear from you Jonny.

Seeing that ^, I’ve just realised that your S1 is quite a foxy hue…good choice.

That’s classy Ben :smiley: .

Hi Jonny,
Pictures please.

Will do, be a thread up soon.

Excellent, looking forward to it.