HELP! Prick neighbour in a Boxter!

Please help!

Ive got this neighbour whos boyfriend stays with her most nights.

He drives a Boxter (enough said) and its the noisiest one in the world!

Anyway at 8.10am every morning he gets in his Porker, revs the arse off it, reverses out of her drive then tries to be Schuy as her wheel spins away…waking up EVERYBODY whos still asleep, not to mention the tyre marks on the tarmac!

I and several neighbours have complained TO him but still the thick tw@t persists with his antics…WHAT NEXT!

Please, sensible suggestions only cos he’s doing my head in!

Can the Police serve an ASBO on him?

box of drawing pins should do the trick

Chuck a handfull of nuts and bolts down the exhaust pipe, at least it will make it sound better and smear dogshit under the door handle

< I don’t advocate this, it’s just one of those things which flashes through your head >

Find some undesirables to break into his house at night (just break a window, not nick anything)… suddenly he’ll be wanting to sleep there from now on.


I appreciate your comments but is there anything I can do about this that is LEGAL?



I appreciate your comments but is there anything I can do about this that is LEGAL?


find your neighbour a better boyfriend…

Legal ? Well, I’m sure the police would have an opinion on his driving.

Get some stickers made up (nothing fancy), & place them on his back bumper.

They should say something like "I drive like a tw@t".

The police will doing noithing apart from a frendly chat and would need to catch him in the act- catch the knob end on video and then you have some evidance! then the police may have some thing on him! have you had a firmer disscusion with him aposse to a nice little chat. start doing his bird if she is nice that will keep him quite!

Id need to be desparate to ‘do’ his bird, massive t!ts but a right minger!

Maybe a stronger chat is called for…anyone know where I can get ‘replica’ ASBOs from?

Nath, check my post on SELOC re the Lotus meet this Sunday!

Id need to be desparate to ‘do’ his bird, massive t!ts but a right minger!

Bag and Head spring to mind

Nath, check my post on SELOC re the Lotus meet this Sunday!

Yes sounds good, just hope the weather dosn’t play up. although i could probaly push my car there from my house!

Theres fake ASBOs like this around

But I think thats way too jokey for what you want

A good selection of fruit & veg up his exhaust might do the trick.

Or let the tyres down.

Or a brick behind each wheel, or glass if you’re really upset.

Write something appropriate on the body work, that will come off only with lots of elbow grease.

Park at the end of his drive.

Tie/duck tape a decent carrier bag to the exhaust…BANG!

Get up sooner

None of the above…have you heard the noise of your exhaust lately


Video the idiot. Get a few of the annoyed residents to confrunt the guy and threaten to provide the video to the police as evidence.

dont ask me I have never had a problem with neigbours and noise…

If it’s a regular time that this happens tell the police that you fear someones going to get hurt and request that they send someone to hang about.

If theres an easy nick in it for them and nothing else doing they may oblige

they did for a friend because the bloke flying through the village did so at the same time every morning and it was an easy catch for them

I start mine up at 6:30am on most Saturday mornings

But I do try my hardest to creep out of the garage and close, and on to the main road.

My nearest neighbour will sometimes make a little comment like “heard you had an early start this morning”.

I would film him doing it over a few days and then show the Police. Or tell your neighbour that you overheard another neighbour complaning about her boyfriend wheel spinning out of the road. Then if he still does it he deserves to get nicked.

I think a more stern word is the way forward. Get a couple of your neighbours and go round. Tell him you weren’t joking the first time. look him in the eye, stand 6 inches away from him and call him a coooont!!!

If this doesn’t do the trick, I know a few dodgy peeps who will knee cap him for �750 a knee. Lets see the twat wheel spin away after he’s had his caps blown off!!! Its deffo gonna effect his clutch control!


Go round there and tell him hes a pikey for not buying a real porsche and ask him if he bought the boxster so he could afford to put new tyres on it, or tell him to go on a walshy day to learn some clutch control.


And Everybody Breathe