Hey guys had the lotus for 4 weeks now been fine then the post lamba sensor popped out so had that rewelded back in and since then had fault code p0172 come up. I took it to hangar 111 today and they fitted an oliminator to by pass the reading. Coming home and light came on again!!!
A light i can live with however the car sometimes stops at traffic light or roundabout on tick over and just loses revs and dies
Please help me just stratching my head thinking what else. Im going to check the mass airflow sensor tomorrow, suppose its process of elimation.
First thing I would do is take it back to Hanger 111 if the light is back on. What aftermarket induction and exhaust do you have?
TBH it is a PITA and process of elimination. Could be the MAF. Check for air leaks first, in the induction and exhaust. Silly recommendation, are the Lambda sensors in the right holes. Mine weren’t after someone else got there hands on it.
Indeed it is. Im trying to try a new maf sensor and clean the air filter today and look for any leaks. I saw your beast at hangar 111 yesterday very nice car
Thanks im happy with is just trying to source this little gremlin. So update i replaced the maf (new) and cleaned the k and n air filter. Good news no engine management light however cut out twice on a 5 miles stretch stop and starting. Only seems to be when the car is crawling to a stop and revs just drop off. Any other thoughts?
My car used to cut out a junctions and traffic lights , i replaced every bloody sensor but it didn’t solve the problem , i used some quality throttle body spray cleaner , cleaned the MAF with a proper cleaner and added some Sea Foam additive to the fuel , disconnected the battery for a while to reset the ECU , it solved the problem , I’m not sure what did the trick but its not happened since, there is a thread on here about it somewhere .
Hey ade the code hasnt come back up and i have a code eraser too. Tbh i havent tried disconnecting battery leaving it for 1hr and reconnecting it. Might try this on saturday morning
Cool ill get some throttle body cleaner too. Cant seem to find BG 406 Throttle Body Cleaner is it just normal from euro car parts? And then ill do what you did and disconnect battery for a bit. Looking at that thread looks like ade did it back in 2013 but still worth a shot
As this is what I used a can’t recommend anything else , seems it’s out of stock in most places , if you look at the first review on this Amazon link someone else has used it to solve the same problem on an Elise .
BG 406 THROTTLE BODY / AIR INTAKE / EGR VALVE CLEANER - FREE DELIVERY https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B006541SYW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_UFKgybQMP8G8H
I found a local garage that has a full can woo. Ill pick it up on saturday and do as you suggusted and let you know how i get on. Thanks for your help. Do you spray it directly into the throttle body with the maf and induction kit on ? Also with someone at what revs? And for how long like open and close
"When the engine is warm you will need to wedge your accelerator pedal or get someone to sit in the car to keep there foot on it as the car will stall when you spray it in , I think it says to keep revs at 1.5k , spray the can upside down into the throttle body without the air box and flexi pipe fitted , I sprayed around the the throttle body first to clean any muck around the mouth of it first and the rest I fired into it (IN SHORT BURSTS) , the engine goes a bit mad with the engine revs going up and down but stick with it , it may be worth putting the seafoam in your tank at the same time to clean the injectors an fuel system as I did , once treatment is done let the car run with the airbox back on for 15 mins , I turned the car off and reset the ECU then went for a 30 min blast .
It may also be a good idea to check your MAF sensor to see if its clean , I did this a week before by blasting the bulb with MAF cleaner without touching the sensor bulb , this helped idle but not stalling long term . I will be doing these three things again in the spring . Hope it helps , it worked for me to my amazement , a real " we’ll bugger me " moment lol "