G'day guys!

G’day fellow Exigers,

It’s been a while since I was last on here… thought I would catch up with you all, despite being not only still in Oz, but still ‘Exigeless’!

I have had a bit of a catch up on here, with some lengthy and great reading of some amazing posts! Benja’s new colour scheme looks great, Jonny Fox, what a totally amazing, but typically perfectionist ‘re-build’ of the Exige I recall you were going to sell LOL, Seriously Dave, what a great S3 Exige build mate and also Steve… who I see has sold my ‘Shrek’ :astonished: (I see Lotus now offer ‘Kawakasi Green’ as a colour on the Exige 380 :sunglasses: ) And lots more besides… Exiger’s are all just the business! :clap:

All good here, living in sunny Perth, Australia now, much closer to the UK! Indeed as of next April, you will all be able to fly here non stop with Qantas from LHR! :clap: I am still driving something ‘aluminium’… but now a landrover Defender! Planning on visiting the UK this July (in Hertfordshire)… and I may well have a little (non Exige) surprise to get stuck into on my return! :wink:

If there are any track days happening, let me know and it would be great to come past and say ‘hi’.

Cheers to you all!

Pete :smiley:

Fantastic to hear from you Pete!!

As soon as you have dates when you’re back in the UK then let us know. No doubt there’ll be a trackday coming up…

Great to hear from you, Pete.Plenty of S1s available . . . at increasingly astronomic prices.

Good to hear from you Pete and hope we can all get to meet up when you are in UK.

Shrek is again a garage queen down in Kent and Sean the new owner turned down £46k a few month ago :astonished: ,

Being without an S1 was too much and in May I bought another. With 36k miles and a few stone chips I am not afraid to use this one and I am planning on this being a keeper (yes Pesky really :slight_smile: )

G’day Steve!

Shrek! £46k does not surprise me given what I have read and seen over the past 3 years mate! Do you have Sean’s contact details please?

When I sold him to you, I said to my missus that in 10 years time they will be £100k! At this rate, that may indeed happen! So few left in the UK now, especially VHPD unmolested versions. I think the S1 Exige and the S1 Elise are now well on the path to being a future collectable classic!

So, what is your replacement one mate? Picture? (not the digger!!)

Here you go Pete. It is much shinier now since my mate Lee got at it with his polisher. Sean is on here (Sean Davis) but he doesn’t post so will pm you his email/mobile.

Laser Blue!!! :sunglasses:

LOL, that what Shrek was before he was re-painted!

Looks the biz, love that colour. Well done :wink:

PETE :clap: :wave:

G’day buddy, great to hear all is well with you. Yep one of them had to go, broke the S2 which forced my hand into the logically choice. Started the work well enough with lots of enthusiasm and to be fair got loads done. A failed house move resulting in work now being done at home has slowed things down. That said there is no rush with the values going up and it’s getting closer and more perfect by the day… I can’t just lay the blame on that, if I hadn’t of been persuaded by Dave & Ben to buy this…

to do this fairly often

and somethings this more often then I’d like :laughing:

it would no doubt have been finished by now :mrgreen:

Lets see the Defender then…

Brilliant mate! :sunglasses:

You DO know why it has a ‘7’ on the grill don’t you…

Spin, spin, spin, … spin… :laughing:

So, Mr Fox!

As requested, here is my Defender! ‘HUE’.

One of the last one’s made in what they call ‘Farmer Spec’! Old fashioned ‘Keswick Green’ with a white roof.

It was boggy basic when I bought it, but just like Lotus’, they are fun to modify and there is a huge after-market supply of various stuff!

I bought it in Sydney, did a few things to it before also buying a ‘camper trailer’ that I also ‘modded’ with the plan of driving across Australia! This duly happened last August with my youngest son (19), who came out from the UK to share this adventure! Needless to say, tons of photos, buy here are a few from the trip!

Latest mod is to improve the seating comfort, something that Defenders have never been to good at! Despite the fact the will do 0-60 in about 30 seconds and generate about .005 ‘G’ when cornering, I thought a set of these would make things much more comfortable… which they have!

Lots more besides, needless to say, I love having a Defender here as there is SO much to see in this taste and amazing continent! Besides, having a ‘fast’ car here in Oz is, IMHO, a total waste of time as there are SO many cops, speed cameras and motorists who have zero idea of how to drive! I will save that pleasure for the UK…


Pete. :slight_smile:

G’day Pete good to hear you are fit and well …no doubt you are in the best country at the moment but you do have some
Bad speed cameras.
Let us know when you come over so we can get together … think you might like the refettled P3sky mobile following some lengthy TLc.
Cheers and have fun

Wow that’s soooooooo cool. Totally excellent achievement cobber :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

It’s a new Landy then. I fitted a smaller steering wheel to reduce the play and had it mapped so I could do 0-60 in 14 seconds and not 16! That said the newer top speed of 103mph, a mighty increase of 7mph was a complete waste of time as it scared the shit out of me on standard tyres :laughing: Has it got AC?

Cheers John :sunglasses:

Yes, its specced like the equivalent UK ‘XS’ models.

You would never be able to sell a car in Oz without A/C! Actually, most ‘overseas’ cars come here pretty well ‘loaded’ up with all the ‘extras’ that you would pay for in the UK. My other half has a Fiat 500! It has everything, yet costs way less that it would in the UK!

So, when is the S1 ready? :sunglasses: :clap:

Thanks Clive!

Yes, would be great to meet up where we did last time… where I remember you told me about the opportunity of Rob’s machine! Brilliant that it all worked out!

Where did the S2 go then?

I’m not actually sure. I’m actually not too botherd either TBH. It will get done and it’ll be perfect, I’m going to fettle the shit out of it :sunglasses:

Good work on the Defender, Pete. We are a diverse and interesting bunch, aren’t we?
Great to hear of your adventures.

Hiya Pete !..
Good to see you posting.
I’ve now gotten a BMW.
Rear wheel drive , for keeping the reflexes in check :heavy_check_mark:.
It’s a 135I
Had a few Landies in the past… Gas guzzlers they are !

Cheers guys!

Thommo, yes we are indeed ‘diverse’!!! So, have you still got the bike’s!

JFK mate! My ‘UK’ wheels are a BMW 118d… I nearly got a M135i a couple of years back… great engine eh, and yes, proper ‘reflex checker’!

My Defender is the Ford 2.2 diesel from a bloody Transit! Not bad on the fuel, about 28mpg, but when towing, down around 20! I carried 6 jerry cans full of Diesel in my camper trailer… just in case! :wink:

Would be great to meet up at some point when I am back… all of July actually. :slight_smile:

Will sort something Pete.

Cheers John.

Curry… springs to mind!! :laughing:

Two things I miss in Oz… A decent bloody curry and Pubs! Period!