Gadget Fitting

I am looking for some winter tinkering projects on my car and was thinking about fitting one of these . Now, I’ll be the first to say the car doesn’t need this, but I quite like the idea because a) I enjoy doing little electrical and mechanical projects on my car and b) it adds a bit of gratuitous racecar bling (must be a boy racer at heart ). The unit requires just 3 electical connections - positive and earth, which are no problem, but also the feed to the tacho. I have got the S2 service manuals on PDF but the wiring diagrams are missing. So does anyone have these or happen to know how to identify the tacho feed to the instrument panel?



If you pm me with your email address I’ll send you over a wiring diagram later on. It may be tomorrow AM though as its Mrs Cs bday so I’ve got to be nice and stay off the computer at home!


Would defiantly categorise that as racing bling but defiantly worth a 10th or two
Are you not going to have your hands full with other things this winter

Talking of winter projects…
Are you going to get the accusump via Hanger with their 10% discount?

Are you not going to have your hands full with other things this winter

Talking of winter projects…
Are you going to get the accusump via Hanger with their 10% discount?

Hands full? Oh yes - nearly forgot about that! Well, I’ll be looking for excuses to escape to the garage for a bit of peace and quiet (baby very imminent )

Accusump also sounds an interesting project - a lot more use too.


Mark, I’m a gadget man!
Quite like the look of this.
Where and how do you suggest fitting it?

Mark, I’m a gadget man!
Quite like the look of this.
Where and how do you suggest fitting it?

Hmmm - finding somewhere to put it might be a bit of a problem. Piccy here of it on top of the instrument panel in an S1 Elise


This is the ideal place as the wires, which are pretty thin, could be fed from behind the instrument binnacle and so should be fairly invisible (although in this pic there is a huge wire trailing round the side for some reason). Not sure if the unit would be obscured by the top of the steering wheel though. I am quite tall so hopefully not - will check the car when I get home.


That’s where I have mine:


Made the cable just follow the groove on the cover and then filed a small nich in order to pass it through the inside of the cover so no unsightly wires.

I looked at the fitting on top of the instrument cowel, but it’s obscured by the top of the steering wheel. Might be a combination of my height and the S2 wheel

No, you’re right!
I’m ok because I have a perfectly concentric aftermarket wheel, the std one (which I never liked) is eccentric, the top being slightly higher and yes, that would obscure the very top then.

In that case, I would fit the shift light inside the dash so you could look at it from below the top of the wheel.

Shift light is already standard on the S2, so i don’t quite see the point in this ?

Shift light is already standard on the S2, so i don’t quite see the point in this ?

Read my first post - its just a bit of fun and essentially pointless. Just like owning an Exige in fact

ok, fair enough

…essentially pointless. Just like owning an Exige in fact

I have Aces Shift Up/Down lights as per the Caterham R500 Superlights

Where did you get the tacho signal from Snapper? I looked at the instrument wiring diagram and the tacho signal comes down the CAN. Did you use a coil pack wire or suchlike?

Quick search of snappers posts on MLOC reveals that the shift lights were fitted by Nick Whales and the tacho feed had to come from the engine bay because the feed to the dash was apparently of too low a voltage. A feed from the engine bay would actually be no problem - when I fitted my oil temp gauge I put in an extra couple of spare wires from the footwell back to the engine bay while I had all the trim out just in case I needed them for anything else. Just as well as routing the wires is pretty fiddly job. Still haven’t a scooby what connection you would use in the engine bay though . Mind you, the less straighforward this sounds, the more it appeals


Still haven’t a scooby what connection you would use in the engine bay though

ACES sell a HT lead sensor if you don’t have a dedicated tacho output. They also have a solution to low voltage outputs - a 10k ohm resistor.

Just found out some useful info over on elisetalk New Shift Light | Page 3 | The Lotus Cars Community Must say I am impressed how our chums over the pond always seem to be one step ahead in tweaking the Yota Elise/Exige. My knowledge of all things electrical is pretty limited. Perhaps someone who understands more than me (Bob?) could explain in idiot terms what/where the ‘coil pack voltage wire’ referred to in the above link is.


Evening, I’ve just pm’d you the ECU wiring diagram. The green wire shown on elise talk is a power ground which is common to all coils and comes from the main relay? I cant quite see how they’d get an rpm signal off that?

The black wire on each coil is a common ground, the black and yellow wire is a common wire back to the ECU. The only wire which is unique to each coil is as follows

cyl1 - red/black to pin 52 on the ECU
cyl2 - red/white pin 26
cyl3 green?/ red (“GR” on diagram) pin 47
cyl4 - red/yellow pin 48

you should get a rpm dependant signal off any of those wires but only at half engine rpm (shouldn’t matter if you can program the shift light yourself)

Hope that helps

Thanks Bob - wiring diagrams just what I needed. I think I will go ahead and order the unit and see how I get on with fitting. I can see a few hours of happy meddling ahead holed up in the garage …its nice and quiet in there… (sprog due this week )
