Gadget Fitting

the s2 shift light comes on to early on 2nd to 3rd gear changes.

Any way I think they looks a bit tacky, it so noisy inside an exige you can change gear by the sound of the engine note anyway.

Good luck

Evening, I’ve just pm’d you the ECU wiring diagram. The green wire shown on elise talk is a power ground which is common to all coils and comes from the main relay? I cant quite see how they’d get an rpm signal off that?

I kept quiet since I couldn’t understand that either.

In looking at the MSD instruction sheet, it appears that even they specify connecting the sensor to the +12V side. Oddly enough, MSD mentions something about a pull to 0V on the specified connection though.

What Bob said makes more sense to me.

I’m wondering if you cant just buy a shift light that plugs into the diagnostic port? All the info is in there, rpm, power, ground - it should be just plug and play?

Poss need a bit of config to suit the settings of the car but that should be all. What a pulaver?!? (Is that the right word)