Exiges Day - Donington Sunday18th November

I am happy that > Paul > got to read his Sunday papers (nice to meet you by the way pjh)

Opps, sorry pjh, I did mean Peter honest!

Well that was the wettest track day I’ve ever done. So much for British weather, must have been from the Shetlands.

After the initial parade laps that were just wet the weather deteriorated and the track was waterlogged all day with standing water everywhere.

I’ve put a video on youtube.

Those were the fastest I went all day, following in the wake of the C4S that passed me. Without it I was aquaplaning in a straight line.

The worried looks in the mirror coming up the hill through Starkey’s on the second lap are when I thought a 996 GT3 had taken a lunge up the inside. He’d actually speared off into the barrier.

AO48’s great in the dry, surprisingly good in the damp, terrible in standing water.

Nice to meet up with a few people all the same.

See you again in the Spring

Was good to meet up briefly ! Shame I couldn’t stick around.

Bring on a (dry !) 2008 track day.

There’s still plenty left in 2007…don’t write it off yet!

Did a very wet day at Rockingham a few months back - really monsoon conditions and it was surprisingly good having to be so much smoother and disciplined.

Good meet people and drive in the worst conditions ever! And yes i did get to read all of the Sunday Papers !



Respect dude, see you (all) in the spring!