Exiges.com - Winter Warmer Trackday

Hmmm not driving but was planning on blagging some pax laps,…if it snowing I might accidentally forget my lid

I have your poster by the way Christian…

Cheers Benja, my car should be fun in the snow, i just hope its dry, 48’s tricky in the wet

they said on the radio it might snow mid week, that should be fun.

Anybody remember the MC12 on 5th Gear at Cadwell in the snow?


It appears that i’ve got no work on thursday, if clement i think i will pop over the bridge and have look see!!

If someone could point me in the right direction of time etc, i will hopefully see some of you there.

cheers in advance


GMTV have just been live at Brands Hatch to show the icy conditions.

Autotorque better cover my insurance!


Southern softy that I am, here’s a weather update (for what it’s worth).

There’s a 20-30% chance of rain before 4pm, and it’s gonna feel like 1oC all day (but it’s alright, it may actually get as high as 5oC).

Briefing at 08:30 boys, then a wait for the fog to lift, and out by lunchtime!


Top embarassment, after pushing this event - really sorry I couldn’t make it today I had been really been looking forward to driving Brands, & hooking up with fellow Exigers for weeks, so I am very dissappointed not to be there.

My gearbox got furbered a couple of weeks ago. It’s not been opened up yet, so cause is not confirmed, but I suspect it had been running for over 1000 miles (including 2 trackdays) without any oil!

Fortunately I managed to source a used box last week, & this seems fine. However, in taking out/refitting the engine/box, some wiring has got damaged, meaning that the VTEC was not working. As I write this, the issue is still being sorted, despite the sterling efforts of Greg (the guy doing the work) over the past couple of days. The problem can only be a simple damaged wire (cos everything was okay before the gearbox swap), but finding the bugger is proving somewhat difficult!

Anyway, hope you all have/had a great time, & hope to see you soon.

Plan is now to do Oulton with Tracksport on Saturday 10th December…fingers crossed!!!

You were missed Pesky.

We had a great day. I wasn’t driving but of course wished I was. Weather was a bit mixed, always cold and sometimes raining, but grip seemed to gradually improve throughout the day. Ian kindly took me out for a good fews laps where he did a valiant job of trying to chase down Christian’s SC beastie (nice avatar by the way Quo ). In what transpired was the final session Ian appeared to go into full Touring Car mode,…riding the kerbs and all sorts in an attempt to bridge the 100bhp+ divide . Ultimately the Ian mobile was not very happy and decided that the clutch would stay permanently engaged Ian got towed to the local hotel where the AA kindly took him and his car home on a flatbed. Hope it gets fixed up soon Ian…Christian’s car looked awesome as always but the heavens opened and track closed just as I was strapped in for my pax lap. He seemed to do a good job of demonstrating the benefits of the SC to Russ though who no doubt enjoyed rapidly exiting Clearways with a good armful of opposite lockery applied

Good to see all those that made it and generally chat Exiges, engines etc etc. Roll on next year when my car will be fighting fit.

Not much action with the camera as it was nasty light all day and I was too busy pax’ing and chatting. Anyhow here is a shot of Ian on the approach to Druids,…I think he may have noticed me.


Cheers Ben. Russ kept me posted as the day progressed, so I know you all had a good time (socially at least!).

Sorry to hear about Ian’s car - though if it’s still on the original clutch it’s done well.

Quo’s car was much admired, so we’re looking at a group SC buy next year

Sod’s law of course - my car was ready this afternoon! Intend picking it up either tomorrow or Saturday - don’t fancy driving in the snow, if it arrives here!!!

Look forward to seeing your car in 2006 - fully fettled

Was a great day, shame about the weather in the morning, I arrived late so had to go straight out of the circuit after the briefing to get some petrol.
I thought that the track would dry up after a few cars had gone round, getting back russ was just taking the lambo out, which he kindly gave me a couple of laps in, lovely car. Unfortunately it started to rain, so I stayed in the pits for a while longer, 48’s were somewhat tricky on a greasy wet track.
Still managed to get a few laps in before lunch, short shiting everywhere as the car was spinning it wheels in anything below 4th gear.
Still after lunch it cleared a little and a friend of mine who i had nominated as 2nd driver had a go.
He seemed to enjoy it after 30 mins of driving he decided to come back in. ha ha
Well I had some fun, didnt manage to get out by myself for the rest of the afternoon, passenger seat was constantly full.
Had some fun as somewhat of a dry line started to appear, but was very tricky if you strayed off it.
As Russ found out coming out of clearways, 80+mph sideways was quite interesting ,still managed to gather it and get past a couple of cars before paddock bend
Had a great day, cant really complain about the weather is was the end of november after all.
Couple of dodgy drivers on track, and the 2cvs were mobile chicanes just gutted now I didnt manage to get more trackdays in this year, so looking forward to next year.
Sorry I didnt manage to get a few pax laps in with you Benja, never seen the weather turn that fast, next time.
Cheers for sorting out that poster for me too, just got to get it framed, PM me your address so I can send that check off.

Anyhow here is a shot of Ian on the approach to Druids,…I think he may have noticed me.

Cheers matey, nice pic. Not that you can see, but I’m actually smiling, and a slightly wider view would show I really should have been looking where I was going at that point (at avoid a ‘Matt Cummings’).

The AA were great and I was home by 8, having been chauffeured. Thanks to the Edwards for cake (Mrs) and the ‘Boyz’ for the tow out of Brands.

Odd one of the clutch, I’ll post the prob in a relevant section.


Yeah, sorry you weren’t there Pesk. Hope it’s all thoroughly sorted.
