Exiges.com - Winter Warmer Trackday

Okey, dokey, who’s up for this one?

Brands Indy circuit on 24th Nov organised by Tracksport

Normal online price is �165, [color:“red”]BUT[/color] by phoning 01270 666500 in next 7 days, & quoting exiges/VVR, the price is only �140.

Can we get more than 10 Exiges there? Of course we can!

PS Exige.com regulars, with Elises, such as Brian & Maddog are also expected to be there!!!

sorry pesky can’t make it
Its a week day and I am already taking off nearly 4 weeks over christmas

Yeah I could be up for that if I can get my car back together in time!!!


Would be rude not to as it is so close,…possibility I will be away but if I am not I will be there. Anyone from Oop North who needs a place to crash let me know, I am about an hour from the circuit…Ian proved that 2xExiges fit on the drive,…and what a fine sight that was

I’m on it! Although I will need to get my car back from its service/HUD install!


I might be able to make this, will confirm tomorrow.

Sorry to miss Donni due to Flue (Not the Bird type)

So Brands it is …

Oooooooooooo that’s my birthday

Oooooooooooo that’s my birthday

So, will we see you on track, or are you just touting for pressies?

On a Thursday!?

Would like to do as many trackdays down south with you guys, but not on a weekday.

Make them move it to Saturday!

Oooooooooooo that’s my birthday

So, will we see you on track, or are you just touting for pressies?

In my neck of the woods that means he has to bring the cream cakes!

I’m in!

New HUD should be in place too.


I’m in!

New HUD should be in place too.



need to see this

bUt won’t manage a big trip to Brands this year…

Booked will be there, open pit lane which is good also.


You cured the over heating Christian? (which I seem to recall from Croft)


Yep my Rad was leaking something to do with the plastic end caps, MSC changed it FOC for me to one with metal end caps.
Not had a problem since.
Just trying to get a Oil Temp/Pressure Gauge installed as I bought one of the gauge brackets.


Booked in. Finally, first track day. Go easy on me boys…


Good lad

Booked in. Finally, first track day. Go easy on me boys…


Just take your KY, and it will all go OK…

I plan to be there but won’t be driving, just blagging some pax laps and taking photos - my car is hibernating until the transformation - kinda like a butterfly

I know on the day that I am going to be pissed off that I am not driving but I need to save some pennies and am keeping miles (esp track miles) at a minimum until its Honda time

Can I just pitch up or should I contact Tracksport beforehand? If anyone is coming down the night before maybe we could all hook up??