Exiges.com Facebook page

As per a recent post I clearly wasn’t the only one thinking life round here wasn’t what it use to be.

I discussed this with Ben on a jaunt from London to the Midlands for the evening (and, er, back, as you do. Thanks for driving sir!).

One of the things that Facebook seems to be able to do is engage a community by enabling them to easily share locations and pictures. So I thought I’d create a Facebook group for that and try and see if it stimulates more forum banter (and may be even stuff that’s actually useful).

Exiges.com’ is a closed group (but not secret so you can find it) and we can invite whoever wants to join.

To be clear, I’m certainly not suggesting any relocation of discussion from the forum, this is to try and supplement it.

Let’s see what happens…

Probably me but I can’t find it… :crazy: :eh:

I can’t either…I thought it was me too…

So just so I understand. Exiges.com is quiet. So we set up something else and dilute exiges.com.
Sorry not a fan of face twatter or whatever they are called. I’m out

Found it, wasnt hard to be fair! lol.

Just need an exige now !


Not a fan of Facebook groups, so many forums have become them, and all I’ve seen so far is dilution of information. They are next to impossible to search, not easy to just pickup and read. Please don’t do this :frowning:

likewise, I do have a facebook account but only use it once/twice a year if that…

I won’t use it.

Valiant effort Ian, and thanks for trying. Personally I think arse book is shite. I joined to search for a long lost brother, found him and haven’t used since. All that happens now is that lots of people keep asking to ‘be my friend’. Here was me thinking we were already friends, nobbers.

A worthy initiative, Ian, but won’t it draw people away from the forum?
I’ve a bit of an aversion for FB (as I believe the initiated call it), 'cos my cycling club insist on using it for passing on information since the original club forum was ditched.
Consequently, there is no platform for informaton, general discussion and humour and we don’t want to lose that on exiges, do we?

Facebook is out of date and only used by old people, which is why I don’t use it…


The point is that the forums hasn’t been updated since jesus wondered why he got a funny tingling in his pants around the girl next door

Personally I’d use both.

I’m with Jonny with this. I use Facebook and it could raise awareness of the forum.

:astonished: For goodness sake …some of us started driving shortly after the red flag man was abolished! :neutral_face:

This means that we (I) dont have a clue about FaceTwitGram etc and rely on this forum to keep up on my Zimmer (Supercharged) :open_mouth:

Dont Do IT as Eve :stuck_out_tongue: said to Adam :smiling_imp: …He did and now there are 70zillion of us! :blush:

Absolutely entirely agree with this comment.

I ride with a mountain bike club that used to use a website with a searchable archive of topics. Now F’book has taken over, the website has died a death and information disappears as new ‘threads’ supersede everything else. Shame really.

I deactivated my FB account a while ago, but still pop on once in a blue moon. There’s no harm in there having one to run alongside here as long as .com remains the main focus. And as others have said, it can be used to direct new members to the site without the annual thread on seloc etc

If it was created with the sole purpose of directing people here and also helping with account activations then it would be ok. We just need to be careful not to lose this way of having some of the best information on Lotus Elise\Exige anywhere. So many people use the information without ever being members.

Hey, this wasn’t done with any intention of Exexit…

I (and others please) will try and encourage any Facebook discussion that commences to be shifted to the forum. I intend to copy in links to forum topics that I think may interest/benefit the committee, I’m sure others will too. That has the benefit of pushing them to members rather than them needing to turn up here to find little has happened and hence bothering less (anybody else notice this is the only General discussion since mid-week! During a traditionally busy period of the year for the site). Whether you use Facebook or not I think this will be a benefit.

Let’s face facts. This forum is dwindling, part of that is an ownership pattern and evolution of the product by Lotus, part of that is the forum software age (there are now other much more sophisticated ways on the Web for communities, I’d suggest things such as the Like button help involvement), the owner of this site hasn’t visited for years, etc. I remember several occasions in years gone by where the site went down for a period. I suspect that could easily happen again and even permanently (will he even renew the URL?); ultimately it’s not our playground. That worries me because we are a great community. So please see this as it was intended, as a way to perhaps help and protect it. If all goes wrong we can just try something else.

Right, better go and approve the group’s membership requests…


What he said! (Thanks for understanding the intention ade though any weaknesses in how I outlined it)