Exiges at Donnington

I counted at least 20 S1’s on the Saturday, inc. mine, and I wasn’t specifically looking for them.

Would be interested to learn if anyone did a more scientific head count.

It was certainly a great turnout of the Lotus clans.

Hi mate, good meeting you at the weekend. Not sure how many S1’s there were but I agree at least 20, great turnout, shame we had to park in a field

Hi Dedgood, excellent meeting you too.

I know the question has a scintilla of the anorak about it, but I was genuinely surprised by the number of Exiges that turned out for the day.

Agree about the field parking. I had to leave early to attend a function at home that evening, but even if I hadn’t had a prior engagement I doubt I would have hung around for too long anyway, had it started to rain!

I found parking inside was a lot less muddy

It was your S1 on the SELOC Stand?

Mark your CO car on SELOC stand next to S2 Exige will seriously affect their sales

Had to smile overheard one guy saying to wife/mistress looking over your S1 Exige ‘bet Lotus won’t release this model’

Had to smile overheard one guy saying to wife/mistress looking over your S1 Exige ‘bet Lotus won’t release this model’



Yes my car was on the SELOC stand, but unfortunatly I wasn’t there on the Saturday so didn’t see the S2 Exige next to it, seen loads of CO S2 Exiges but none next to mine.

Had to smile overheard one guy saying to wife/mistress looking over your S1 Exige ‘bet Lotus won’t release this model’

I bet they wouldn’t, front splitter, big rear diffuser Mutts Nuts front discs, pads that make it sound like a bus, very stiff Nitrons (400/475).

That would make it a trackday car, Lotus don’t sell them anymore do they?


That would make it a trackday car, Lotus don’t sell them anymore do they?

I got slagged off for saying things like that last Saturday night by gonein60seconds. I think he felt I’d said too much on the subject, which was probably fair comment

Haven’t seen too much of him here this week, presumably because it would take him ages to criticise each and every person who has had a go at the S2 since Donnington

To be doubly fair to GISS he did suggest that there was a danger we might scare off new S2 owners by these comments. Hopefully they have a sense of humour though.

If they buy an S2, they obviously have a sense of humour

If they buy an S2, they obviously have a sense of humour

And white sticks.

I was there in mine, Chrome Orange, on the grass on Saturday and near the toilets on Sunday :slight_smile:. By ‘on the grass’ I mean PARKED on the grass, I gave the other up a long time ago :wink:

I must say I think the Exige turn out was the most impressive and there were some lovely neat well looked after examples there. Made me proud.

As for the S2 Exige next to the S1 Exige on the Tango stand - big mistake for Lotus sales as the S1 looked fantastic, it was a lovely example, and the S2 just blended in with all the other Elise’.

They had moved the S2 on Sunday :slight_smile:

Looking forward to Clarkson getting his hands on it, I think he’ll be dissapointed. I know I am.

… the S1 looked fantastic, it was a lovely example…

Thank you

We were only able to get the S2 for the Saturday unfortunatly, hence why we had the Caterham on the Sunday.

very stiff Nitrons (400/475)

Ah, a man with 400/475s. What they like on the road? Usable? Dangerous in the wet?

Cheers Mark.


Haven’t seen too much of him here this week, presumably because it would take him ages to criticise each and every person who has had a go at the S2 since Donnington

Honestly, first to try and frighten off the new blood and now you’re working on the regulars!


I know I’ve said this already but I don’t really like the S2 that much. However, I do like LOTUS and I wish them well with the new car, even if it looks a bit grim in comparison to the S1. I’m sure you won’t need a sense of humour to drive it but it’s not the same breed as the S1…there will never be another car like the S1 Exige (I don’t think the law will allow it) which is sad for everyone who hasn’t got one but for me, I’m just happy to own a car that has changed my life. I bet you couldn’t say that about a 355 etc

Looking forward to Clarkson getting his hands on it, I think he’ll be dissapointed.

I’m not so sure you know. He’s getting soft in his old age. I think he may just say it’s what it should have been first time around, they would have sold more, Lotus need to move with the times, woo hoo it’s easy to drive fast, this one is build properly, I can hear my self think in it, etc.

We’ll see.


ps. Then again, Clarkson is far to tall for it, it’ll be the silly little chap that thinks he can drive. He’ll love it and ignore the S1.

…I do like LOTUS and I wish them well with the new car…

I wish them well with the 111R and hope nobody buys the Exige. That way they’ll make enough money to stay in business and make a proper S2!


Having read the whole of this thread, I am wondering what is actually wrong with the new Exige? Nobody has said anything other than they don’t like the look of it- surely this is a personal taste thing
Have any of you actually driven the new car?

Reg, I’m not sure that’s our point. Lotus have come out with a new car that I’m sure is very good, but it has the name Exige on the back, not Elise Coupe. This is Exiges.com so we’re going to have an opinion on that and it’s likely to be a little exaggerated.

We wanted progress. We wanted character. We wanted a car that looked like a mini-Group C racer. We wanted pureness. We wanted more downforce (not 50% less). We wanted a car Elise owners would want. We wanted a better track car. We wanted a spec sheet you grin at because it reads like a race car. We wanted more power. We wanted extra specialness. We wanted Lotus’ rawest car to live up to its name (say it with me - ‘Exige’). We didn’t want a marketing exercise with tweaked suspension. We’re on Colin’s side, honest.

Call it something else, not an Exige. Don’t get us all excited and threaten our residuals and then let us down like this.
