Exige S2 with added supercharger

Send it to me, you can have my immaculately lined roof (although it is a short roof scoop and slightly different colour) :wink:

This sounds less of a deal than I had initially anticipated.


Buy the fabric from Allon White and have a go!

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I converted my Vito to a camper and it was pretty easy to carpet line the interior. Spray adhesive and stretchy fabric :+1:


DIY trimming for the win :smiley:

If you take your time it’s very doable. I’m a numpty and managed to make a decent job of my old Elise roof.

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Roof and windscreen delete


Any tips?

Have read this : How to Replace the Roof Fabric Material (Headliner) in Your Car or Truck | Nathan and Kathy's Blog

Which says start from the middle and work your way outwards

These guys stay fold in half and do one half at a time : https://www.autodoc.co.uk/info/en-how-to-fix-or-replace-a-headliner

I am thinking something along the lines of :

  1. Spray adhesive on one quarter of the roof from the center to the left leaving 1/4 unsprayed.
  2. Move onto the left 1/4
  3. Repeat on the right
  4. Await glue to go off / head rush to stop
  5. Cut the excess

Something like that?

I’d lay the lining over and work from the middle towards the window, then repeat with the other side when the first half glue is dry.
Use spray glue but don’t let it get too “wet” as this will soak through the fabric.


I’m thinking more of
1 Clean all old glue from roof
2 Clean all old glue from self
3 Swear a lot
4 Fold liner in half
5 Spray contact adhesive and fit liner to first half
6 Spray contact adhesive over everywhere other than where you want it, as nozzle is partially blocked
7 Clean new glue from self
8 Remove overseer cat from gluey mess
9 Clean cat scratch/bite marks from arms/face
10 Shave the remaining hairs from arms, as they’re mostly gone anyway
11 Explain shaved/damaged arms/face to Mrs. Bond and junior Bonds
12 Explain shaved cat to Mrs. Bond and junior Bonds
13 Spray second side of roof and apply liner
14 Expect due revenge from shaved cat
In all seriousness, clean and prep more than anything you have ever done before. Especially the spray glue nozzle. Every single time you use it. And test spray before using it the next time.


Thanks! Will try

But I have only just got off the old glue that wouldnt stick the roof lining to the roof but stuck to me!

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What glue are you planning to use?

Probably the one that sticks to everything but what it should.

I have a can of spray glue for carpet etc. might try that?

These worked well! :ok_hand:

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No! There is another……

John Craig who has a very clean S2 Elise had his roof done for low spondoolahs recently (sub £100), I’ll get the info and post it in here.

Less than £100 is a no brainer!

Thanks Paul!

Right, I got it wrong, John did it himself and it cost him £20.

Yes Paul, I did it myself. Lee used to fit out camper vans and he suggested that I use the same 4 way stretch material and it worked a treat. I bought it from eBay complete with the adhesive. (Be sure to use high temp adhesive). The hard part was stripping the old lining. There are lots of videos on YouTube showing the technique. Here’s a couple of pics of my roof and the stuff I used. Cost me 20 quid.

Ebay stuff…


I was looking at the same stuff, I think I’ll use on my seat backs and roof.

Out of character


I had my roof done. Very reasonably priced job buy an ex Lotus /TVR guy just down the road from me. Aldo did my sills

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