Exige S2 with added supercharger

Spent a few hours decontaminating the car today from its track outing

19kgs of someone else’s tyre pickup removed
3 kg of DS1.1 dust
500g of powder coat spotted missing :see_no_evil:

I have just had a eureka moment.

I have been quizzing a very knowledgeable chap who has made a node.js applet for controlling the dash via WiFi. He pointed me in the direction of a folder but said no idea how it works …

Well I do now…

Folder in question was is /opt/Garw_IC7/channels/


YMMV but if anyone out there is reading about the GARW IC7 dash this is what I have found.

SSID is GARW. You already knew that though right?
ssh [email protected] password is root

I used WinSCP and ssh connected to dump the files locally from /opt/Garw_IC7/channels/

I then cloned them so I have a none edited copy and a live edit copy.

In the /channels/ folder there are a series of other folders. Ignore them. It seems these are a baseline and all the files you are interested are in this folder

All these files are linked. Its not obvious how.

Open Channel assignments. It will look something like this :


Note the row number. It will help you configure things like the input

You can see here for example that row 10 on the Channel assignments is O2.
Check row 10 on the inputs. Its set to can1_6. I corroborated that with a mk1 eyeball on my dash.

Right , now it starts to get interesting. I think the 8bit values are just a a single can input eg CAN1_6. However, Some of these values are 16bit not 8bit.

If you look at the file input bits this gives us a clue. Check my line 10 out. It says 2, but I think thats 2 * 8 bits

You can of course use your dash to select the second channel or type it in here.

If you follow row 10 , its got the second 8 bit channel in it!

You might want to change the offset. You cant in the dash on the o2. for some reason. Bug? Guess what though - Yep , there is a file for it. I manipulated it in notepad and then reupped the file to the dash. Worked straight away

I now have a fully working Lamba reading on my dash. Delighted with that.

I am now going to reconfig my oil temp to my IAT and find something else to monitor with oil pressure.

I have a physical gauge in at present to monitor the oil temp / pressure so comfortable with these being “fake”

I must admit a GUI version of this would be superb but I can cope with some notepad bashing and SSH.

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No idea what it was all about but ‘A’ for effort!


Top effort that!

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AFR :white_check_mark:
Water temp :white_check_mark:
Oil temp = IAT :white_check_mark:
Fuel (%) :white_check_mark:


This is very cool Andy - I have the same dash as you know, but have the EMU Black ECU - assume it passes the same info to the dash via the can bus - but I am not techie enough to understand how to do the Lamba reading - so I will hit you up on PM to see what steps I need to take


It’s a combination of how you send the data and how you recieve it.

You just marry the two up.

Happy for a PM!

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What Tommo said.
Way over my head but well done :+1:

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A few more pics emerging from my most recent trackday

I really do like this pic.


I have all the EMU Black canbus data documented so I could probably work with @andybond if he’s willing to get a config together for your dash once he works it all out.


That would be amazing!! I didn’t PM Andy yet as the car doesn’t live with me day to day… but if we can get files for me to upload to the dash, it which ones to change, I can ssh in and do that (hopefully)

On today’s trackday I noted the following.

Max IAT ; 45 deg C.
At WOT in 4th my lambda was 0.8.

I didn’t note any other figures and nearly stacked the car at Bunga Bunga due to a bumpy track and suspect ABS on my exige.

Was fun. Thanks to @seriouslylotus for squeezing me in for a once over ( the car, not me )

A few more words after yesterdays fun!

Blyton Park - Franks Charity Trackday Club - Frank's Charity Track Day Club - FCTDC

​I got onto the circuit fairly early for me. Normally I like to get on after the first 30minutes to let all the mega keen people fall off the track or learn their newest, latest braking points. Not today though!

This is the first time round Blyton since my suspension refresh and ( race drive excuse 1 ) the first time since Anglesey trackday with ClioSport a few weeks back.

I was flying, not literally but absolutely monstering the track. Everything felt great. Until it didnt. Let me explain

Here is a track pic , so keep up at the back please …

On lap 20 or so of this stint at Bishops I noticed a bit of a weird sensation. The cars brakes locked. They have never completely locked before. Got off the brake and reapplied voila. Sorted.

Hammer down the straight between Bishops and Bunga Bunga and stood on the brakes and this time full on lock up again. No turning left just an armful of lock and it wouldnt go left. I am now looking at a whole lot of raised grass on a bank. Just like this, except I am off track now and on the stones.


Off the brakes , jump back on them again straighten the wheel , onto the grass now, turn gently left, and in slow mo go over the lowest part of the crest and rejoin the circuit.

WTAF went on there?

I coasted back to the paddock. Sat in the car with the engine off and darent get out. I didnt want to see the damage.

After what felt like an hour sitting in the car , lid still on I got out to find ;

Nothing more than grass stuck in the rim of the tyre.

A very kind gentleman not of this parish ( @PaulB/DiamondPerformance ) got me a low jack , a breaker bar and we checked over everything. No signs of component failure. I then went to the fantastic chaps @SeriouslyLotus for a proper in a garage once over. All passed fine other than a knackered rear arch liner

​I refilled with fuel and went full send again on track. The problem never manifest itself again.

I have spoken to a few people and I think its a combination of old tyres that have heat cycled on the front and new tyres on the rear caused whats know as ice mode on the Exige. It literally felt like I was on ice, the fronts doing all the braking until I got off and back on again the brakes.

​All in all other than me mentally preparing myself for a hefty repair bill that never happened it was a bloody good day out. Everytime I drive the car I learn something new about it , and me. I am getting faster, I am more controlled and I am improving. I think.

Here are a few pictures.

My friends Mazda Avec Boost.

Not my friends but Id quite like to be his friend rep 6R4 that sounds amazing and goes like the wind.

My plastic shitbox

Co-incidentally has anyone found any way to get marks out of Tillet seats?

Summary :

​~90mi on track

​~40l of fuel used

~1 near miss

~1 pair of pants binned

​~ 2 new front tyres needed


Great update, glad the incident wasn’t anything more dramatic!

Car is sounding like a bit of a weapon now, lockup aside. As you had a bit of a lockup at Bishops just before going off at Bunga, I wonder if there was some coolant/oil down or something causing a rear to lock and trigger ice mode.

Would seem odd for a mechanical issue to pop up for two corners in a row, then never again.

Funny you should mention that. I have subsequently found out that 5 other cars had a near miss on this bend.

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For reasons far too complex to explain, I’ve only ever done 1 lap of Blyton, I was warning by Abbie Eaton the instructor that Bishops is bitey!

… nope, nothing wrong with me or the car…

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The roof lining has started to sag again. Its too far gone now

I have whipped off the roof and taken a good look

Yep borked.

At this point I was at a cross roads. Its borked and put it back on or rip the thing off and see whats what

So I did the latter

Two hours with my new best mate Stanley and a sander and its better. Not perfect but better

I am at a cross roads now.

Do I :

  • Paint it
  • Attempt to recover it
  • Send it somewhere as they know what they are doing
0 voters

I appreciate I still need more prep as the surface is still grainy to the touch.

Any feedback or tips are appreciated!

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Paint it, it would need to be spotless. Or live with a textured finish.
Recover it, with foam backed nylon. Less need to be spotless. But the glue will get everywhere. Sometimes where you want it to be.
Allon White.

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I’ve voted for you to attempt to recover it.

Same has happened in my S1, and the seat backs. Foam backed nylon is cheap so I’m going to try and recover, job for the winter (when I sorn it in November).

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