Exige S1 market value and appreciation potential

I know this has probably been spoken about at length, but do we think Exige S1 prices have now peaked? Initially I was looking at buying one in 2008/2009 for around the £17-18k mark, and now I seeing very few for sale under the £30k. I understand the classic marked across the board has risen sharply, but what are peoples opinions on the current valuation, and whether the S1 is worth it at these prices; when an early S3 can be had for around £10k more.

What else has the passion of the S1?
No they will continue to appreciate provided they are cosseted and loved.
It is still a supercar for true drivers and there is nothing else like it …and its a LOTUS
You can buy mine but my sons- in -law have reserved it !!

Go on Buy one

They will keep going up for sure. It will be £100K car within ten years easily.

I had an E30 M3 (which is far more common than an S1 Exige). I bought that for £4,500m ragged it for two years as my daily driver and sold it for £4,500 thinking I’d swum the channel!! That is now a £30,000 car. So if they can go up by by nearly seven times, I’m sure an S1 Exige can go up by four times. There are loads of other examples of classics that have gone up by huge amounts too.

I need to plug the SeanB_Scaling_Factor into manmaths.xls it may end up justifying growing the fleet of appreciating classics :laughing:

Oh I have full intentions of buying one, although I understand they do have a lack of torque feel to them. I’ve been somewhat seduced by the S3, but I tend to love the older more classic design and with the exclusivity, this fits the bill.

My rallye has gone up from around £5500k to around £20-25k in the 3 years I’ve owned it. I’m just finding it hard now to find a) an s1 for sale and b) one under my £28-29k budget.

You will struggle to find a good refurbished one for that ££££
I have first. Dibbs on johnnyfox’s at that price!

S1 and S3 aren’t even remotely the same car, there’s little similar as an experience. Both great so not a criticism but if you like the feel and experience of the S3, don’t buy a S1 for its looks expecting the same. The S1 is an entirely raw, binary driving experience. It’s also noisy and smelly, rattles and squeaks and is more track than road car. The S3 is a car your wife will go away with you for a weekend in, my wife won’t drive 5 mins up the road in a s1! That all said its marvellous… And to your first post, they will absolutely continue to go up in value, they have cemented themselves from high £20’s to mid to high £30’s in 2 years and not going down…

Agreed… The 5 minutes was the main reason for selling the S2 for an s1.

On a serious note… Have a read of Jonnys rebuild thread. Make sure you go into buying one with your eyes open. Sat in traffic on a summers day in an S1 with asthmatic ac may not be fun but getting out and just looking at it makes up for it imo.

As a serial Lotus owner ((17 to date :slight_smile: - another added this month) once each Lotus model reaches rock bottom value the only way is up and up and up :slight_smile:

The S1 Exige has the potential IMHO to be the most sought after modern Lotus and the market or some daft individual will set future values…

A 60’s Lotus Elite recently sold for £106000 or thereabouts … it was Chris Barbers and had a full restoration …I looked at one not many years @ £45k .Should have bought it.
I am sure our Exiges will go,the same way…helped by the Gearys of,the world continuing to produce spares and goodies…wont be long before he produces new tubs.!
Look at Elise S1 values …begining to edge up now…maybe we should buy these for appreciation.as well.

BTW if you are buying just for investment …forget it …Lotus are for driving and enjoying . If they happen to appreciate thats nice but hardly a reason for buying…
So Have Fun

Come on then what you bought?

I’ve only seen one at the moment at £35k, so looks like the Rallye will have to go to fund it. I think I would prefer the raw feel of the S1 and after watching many time, the Davide Cironi S1 video on youtube, I’m sold on the S1. Now just a matter of finding the right one and hoping the prices don’t go up too much. It would be something to be driven many on the road with very limited track use.

Good luck finding a good one, i remember few months ago there were a few and now only one avaiable. I bought MrBeean old car and i never have any major problems except some little things.

An immaculate red Excel so grankids can share in the delights of Lotusing! :smiley:

That looks perfect btw. Motorsports seats, how much are they worth alone now £2k?

Great,…and some pics please! You’re drip feeding us on this one huh!!

Mine is really only used on the road, more due to time than want. I keep promising myself a trip to Spa with it. I’m really hoping someone here organises a really good road trip into Europe as I’d love to do something like that…

A couple have been sold recently below £30k, but I think they both went within a week. I do think people are starting to realise the value and with it the prices are creeping further up. I remember Shrek being put up for sale at £35-36k, I cant quite remember, but do recall all the seloc typical “informed” negativity, and then it sold. And less than a year later than sort of figure is the norm.

I think the silver car is great value, to Jonny’s point if you add the nice to haves that it includes, and if an eye to a future investment is open, sports seats, harnesses etc. will be the desirables for the future collector. Best of luck either way… great cars.

I thought the Silver one was Simon’s car for minute owing to the similar plate and being silver :open_mouth:

It does look lovely, is it anyone on here?

Never! :laughing: - am I pleased I didn’t sell a couple of years ago when I had a bit of a wobble :smiley:

I believe the silver one if from the Burton on Trent area as Gavin was working on it when my car was having its gearbox saga fixed. The mileage is geniune and it has had very light use for the last few years as it’s lady owner was abroad (if it’s the same car).