Exige S - Sports Exhaust NOW AVAILABLE!

have had mine fitted & sounds damned fine to me! nicely popping on upshifts & crackle on over run. substantially louder the standard. As above postings,you will certainly be heard coming!!

Anyone got any sound clips yet ???

please some1 putr a clip on to compare to the original stage 2:

full throttle stage 2 w/ induction

stage 2 sprint from standing

cheers in advance (get mine back Thursday)

Got mine on this morning. It took me a good few hours to fit myself, but was worth the hard work! Oh boy how loud it is!!! Ive driven a Stage 2 kitted standard Exige a few years ago when they first came out and I can safely say that this new zorst on the S, is as loud as if not louder than that original car. It absolutely howls on the red line and bops and bangs on the overrun. Had it along the snake pass this afternoon, clear run (No caravans!) bone dry road and hammered it. Sounded awesome. This is how this car should have sounded straight from the factory.

VERY happy!! not as raucous as the original stage 2 but still a loud bit of kit. Lovely pop and crackle on overrun. I dont like the look of the pipe (same as standard) but I’ll have to live with it. Video/audio to follow. Oh and got a new set of A048’s on the back just in time for summer. Kudos to B&C yet again.

Mine fitted at B&C yesterday too … very happy … exhaust soundtrack now compliments the car as it should

Mine fitted at B&C yesterday too … very happy … exhaust soundtrack now compliments the car as it should

Excuse me wandering off topic but did you by any chance once own a LY VX?

Hi folks - newbie here from Australia.

I’m interested in fitting one of these exhausts to my 2007 Exige S so about two weeks ago I asked Lotus HQ for details on power and torque curves as well as decibel levels at various rev limits. Received an initial response stating that Lotus would need to ask the suppliers for these details (seems strange that a motorsport icon would not already know such detail!!), but no response since.

Does anyone know what impact the exhaust has on power/torque and just what it does to the noise levels?

Hope you can help.


the previous stage 2 added zilch in terms of power/torque, i suspect its the same as this one. I remember being quoted a 109db level for the original stage 2, this one isnt as loud - i would estimate less than 100db

Thanks exigeboy.

Power/torque is probably as expected, although a bit disappointing given that emission is an integral part of the car’s performance and I would have expected Lotus to seek gains here. More so when it’s not cheap!!

Your advice on the noise levels is encouraging as a couple of mates have the Stage 2 on their N/A and its just too loud for comfortable driving over any distance. Horny for short squirts but becomes tiresome.

I’ve got an email in to B&C for price and shipping so will wait for their response.

Again, many thanks.


Don’t forget that if you’re a SELOC member, you should also get a discount on any bits ordered from B & C. If not, Merritts of Amersham generally apply a 10% discount if asked.

Thanks Cadence.


Fitted the “Sports Exhaust” yesterday. My observations:-

  • Is noisier than anticipated. Drove in company with a NA Exige fitted with a Stage 2 exhaust and there isn’t much difference between the two. The NA car has been officially tested by the coppers at 104db.
  • The oval tail pipe is about one and a half inches shorter than that on the standard box. As such, the top of the tail pipe ends short of the exhaust outlet in the diffuser (ie does not extend past the top of the outlet). The bottom of the tail pipe does extend beyond the gap in the diffuser. A concern is that gases will not clear away as readily and could collect in the fabricated heat shield and then up into the engine bay, particularly under idle.
  • Weight of the standard silencer and tail pipe (ie excluding the cat) is 14kg whereas the sports exhaust wighs just 7.5kg. A signifcant saving when trying to keep weight out of the car.

In essence, sounds fantastic when planting the right foot and that “crackle and pop” on gear changes just broadens the smile. Just got to keep an eye out for the boys in blue!!


Is the stage 2 exhaust road legal? I thought it wasn’t & parts man at lotus said for track use only. If this is the case anyone got a stage 1? What’s it like? Sounds if you’ve got em please.

please some1 putr a clip on to compare to the original stage 2:…

FWIW, here’s a video clip of a Cup240 with the original Stage 2 exhaust… http://www.hspn.tv/?videoid=58"]](http://www.hspn.tv/?videoid=58")

lol be lucky to get a stage 2 on track these days

Just picked up my new Exige S, (its my third Lotus) Have had a very loud elise parts exhaust on my S1, a nice raspy Larini on my S2 and am really looking for something similar to the S2 larini for the S.
I really dont like boomy exhausts and I had a test drive in a std Exige with a larini and it was way too loud for my taste, I can get the new stage 2 for a really good price but I am worried I wont like it.
What do the guys who have it think of it? I had a std exige with a stage 1 for a month (thanks RussT) which was a nice sound but just a little on the quiet side.
Also I will want to track the car at some point. Other options seem to be 2bular but not sure what their exhausts are like? They are also about �100 more than the stage 2, obviously I will just pay the extra if the stage 2 is going to be too loud.
Also which exhausts wont loose hp on an S as I believe this has been a problem.

Thats my first post on here btw


Can you get a stage 2 for the S

Too loud for the track though…if you were intending to go there

I’ve got a 2bular - the ‘quietest’ Jim could make me

Will be in driving to and from Lancs (from Surrey) tomorrow and North Weald on Friday if you want to look/hear…

(oh - U2U me on Seloc if you want to get in touch - don’t pop in here too often)

Welcome Boothy!

As an addition to Mr D’s comments - if you are fitting a stage 2 exhaust, especially if in tandem with aftermarket induction, do not expect to get on many, if any track days this year (where most tracks run a max of 105db static). In future you could reasonably speculate that anything above 100 db will see you black flagged or worst, not allowed on at all.