Exige for sale

i really dont wanna argue guys, ok some of you may not agree with the way i drive my car. But i dont see the point in buying a car like this just to pootle about in, and never going over 30mph, doesnt that defeat the object of having a car like this?
But like i say i really dont want to argue. at the end of the day i know he is in perfect working order and any body who wishes to see him is more than welcome to run any check they wish to, so that they can come to the same conclusion.

Sorry if ive caused any upset guys.

Hey, that is OK Speedyman, did you not know that Dad is very crotchety until he has had his ovaltine and injections?


As proved & tested by RussT (Monsieur Gay Lardy)


As proved & tested by RussT (Monsieur Gay Lardy)

Russ, I’m glad your arm is feeling better.

[It must be otherwise Pesky wouldn’t be risking drives in the Lambo like this! I’m sure the queue is not short! ]



Yep his arm is sooooo muuuuuuch better, which is really good news. He’s also a top notch fella - the coil pack on my car “melted” (literally!!!) today, so my car is no longer running (Fortunately, I was only 200 yards from LRV when it happened, so it’s stuck there at the mo, waiting to be fixed next week!) So, what does the boy do when I tell him what’s happened - no less than offering to let me use his Exige until mine’s fixed I would also like to thank AndyD for sourcing a replacement coil for me, if LRV can’t get hold of one quickly. Also Randy’s post from a few weeks ago has provided another source for the correct wasted spark coil. What a bloody fantastic “network” there is on exiges.com

As proved & tested by RussT (Monsieur Gay Lardy)

[image]> http://www.nashvillewebreview.com/automat/america/1940s/1940s/40sAds/Ovaltine.jpg> [/image]

oii Rusty… is that bird eating your toast??

Rob - Glad to hear about your coil pack replacement - I was one of the group at Bedford debating what to do, and Bernard happened to walk up - at one point it was going to be A BOIL pack, cos of Andy’s predictive text !!

PS - The bird can eat me, if she runs out of toast !!

I would also like to thank AndyD for sourcing a replacement coil for me, if LRV can’t get hold of one quickly. Also Randy’s post from a few weeks ago has provided another source for the correct wasted spark coil. What a bloody fantastic “network” there is on exiges.com


Do you know what caused this melt-down of your coil? and also do you happen to remember what the thread was about where Randy directed us to another source for coils??


No idea what caused it - yet. I’m hoping it was just a fault with the coil pack itself (can’t think what else it could be though!!).

See last post on 2nd page of this thread http://www.exiges.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=18563&page=&view=&sb=5&o=&fpart=2&vc=1

Cheers Pesky… time flys when you are havin fun ehhh… “a few weeks ago”… bleedin November… how long does a colostomy bag last ??..

Hi Ed
Noticed your Exige, Is it still for sale, how many owners? (I presume with FSH?)
How much do you want for it??

Sorry buddy the beast has moved on to a new home!!

Good luck with your search (dont get the dark blue one from SGT)

What’s the reason why ???
I was going to go and see that one.
The guy said it has had the front end resprayed due to stone chips !!??!!

Dark blue one-theyve had it for 5 months and only had it working for a couple of weeks ECU problems!! From what i hear it was owned by someone by the sea, seasalt air doesnt do cars much good!!

See what you think though just keeping you informed!

Thanx for that


What is his point in stressing in the ad “NEVER used on a track”? - This is of course a rhetorical question on my part, bearing in mind the abuse shown in the vid! The other vid of him driving his Exige is also quite revealing, as are the comments on the SELOC bbs.

Exiges.com has built up an enviable reputation for an HONEST, informative, factual (& sometimes amusing) exchange of views amongst likeminded enthusiasts. I for one don’t want to see that ethos change. Part & parcel of this camaraderie means having a thick skin, a sense of humour, a grateful/humble willingness to be corrected if in the wrong, but most of all, a respect for fellow owners/potential owners.

All the above is of course purely my personal opinion, & I have tried to express it without causing any offence - that ain’t my style, & those that know me are aware that I’m not averse to a bit of two way banter/mickey taking

I was thinking of buying this car (currently for sale at Barry Ely garage), I am a bit nervous now. Can someone give me the mpg video of the car or at least explain in detail what was happening and what the comments are (I have tried registering for the forum but the email isnt coming through). Why is buying an exige so fooking difficult.



The car was being “doughnutted” whilst banging off the rev limiter, in the dark, in an area used by the publc (not sure if it was on the highway or a retail area car park), by the then owner. It was videoed by his missus & was being watched by others who could be heard “whooping” in the background.

The point I was making that the car was being advertised as “NEVER used on track”, which was, in my opinion, attempting to mislead potential buyers.The car may well be perfectly okay - I can’t possibly comment on that aspect because I simply don’t know.

You should be able to register as a member on SELOC, however I don’t know if the thread in question is still in the archives there, & I no longer have the download of the video of the car being doughnutted. There was also a video from inside of the car, whilst it was being driven “spiritedly” on the road.

Many Exiges will have been used on track, & those that have been regularly tracked, will have been pampered/uprated by their owners eg oil changed every 2K-3K miles, braided brake hoses, track spec pads, 4 point harnesses, cooling mods etc.

The reason that buying an Exige is “difficult”, is because there is a limited supply - only 278 were UK registered, & most owners love them to bits & don’t want to sell!

I really want one of these cars (have done for about 3 years !!). I have the bloody money sat next to me now. I really liked the car and it drove superbly. But … there is always something to make me think twice. Its amusing, I read these forums before placing the deposit on the car and thought as long as the car isnt like this one I will be ok. Oh, what a laugh when I found out it was this one …

Owning an exige had better be worth it !!