Exige - Classic Status Confirmed

It now appears that NYLOC (North Yorks Lotus Owners Club) has 8 Exige (S1 version of course!) owners on the books, 2 Pearlesent Yellow, 1 Norfolk Mustard, 1 New Ali, 1 Laser Blue, 1 Calypso Red, 1 Nautilus Blue, 1 Chrome Orange. It iscommon knowledge that a Yorkie and his cash are not easily parted this leads me to the conclusion that these fine motors are not goin’ too loose too much money in the future

Hi Simon.

All joking aside, I think the present S1/S2 debate has done absolute wonders for the residuals, as I predicted it would.

Definite general strengthening in advertised S1 prices recently. We aren’t seeing any of the sub �20K giveaways any more.

Not wanting to pour cold water on your theory completely Hethel, but personally I think it’s probably got more to do with the time of year.

It’s trackday season! In which the Exige is brilliant!

I think you’ll find prices will tail off in November, only to pick-up again 12 months from now.


HM - not joking at all , a number of Lotus owners I know (S2 Elise ones generally) are in search of S1 Exiges - they are a sleeper… Sorry to keep calling them S1 Exiges… THE EXIGE

I wouldn’t argue with your thoughts there Ian, nonetheless you have to marvel at how robust Exiges prices have been, once the initial depreciation passed.

I still think the mixed reaction to the S2 has done nothing but good for us by creating a contrast.

I am a former S2 Elise owner Simon and can quite understand why more and more people seem to want an EXIGE

It looks as good as almost any car costing twice or three times as much and, like all good car design, it has that indefinable quality of looking right. To say nothing of the sublime handling.

Nice try but MLOC has 9 exiges so we just beat you

Chrome Orange Exige x 2
Blue x 3
Lotus Racing Green

We aren’t seeing any of the sub �20K giveaways any more.

They are still to be had. Try Autotrader.co.uk

They are still to be had. Try Autotrader.co.uk

Sorry I hadn’t thought to look on there. Nonetheless I maintain that the general trend has been upward of late.

I guess there’ll always be some owners prepared to drop the price for a quick sale

hey mr beefcake your not the same one as the chrome orange car near me in bartley green are you

I think prices went a bit wobbly 4-5 months ago, when the S2 Exige was imminent and people were offloading them before prices fell further.

If Lotus had made the S2 Exige as good as the S1 Exige, but with a decent engine, I think you’d have seen prices fall further… but instead it’s firmed prices up since the S2 Exige turned out not to be a threat to the S1 Exige… and in fact has made the S1 Exige look BETTER.

Sure there will be people who go for the S2 because they want a newer car, but for those who want one of the best track cars going, they’ll stick with the S1

Glad to see I’m not the only one with the same theory


Ditto! Your not the Gunmetal / Titanium one I passed by Weoley Castle a few weeks back are you.
I was in the New Aluminium one

Just to add to the discussion, I have just sold my exige for �23000 which was the full asking price and I honestly think I could have sold it four times over because of the response i had. I put it on pistonheads/exiges.com on the Thursday night and the car was sold to the first guy that contacted me. I have owned Lotus cars now for more than 2.5 years and have not lost or gained a penny in that time. I wonder how many average family car owners could say that.The exige is a classic and I dont see any of you owners losing money if the car is kept well.
P.S. I did have a good reason for selling my car but I still own a Lotus albeit a 135R elise.
Hope to meet up with some of you someday.

I have just sold my exige for �23000 which was the full asking price and I honestly think I could have sold it four times over because of the response i had.

Steve, there’s just no doubt in my mind that the S2 launch has been the best thing that’s happened to our residuals.

That’s not to knock the S2, except maybe to suggest that, despite the poor initial reaction - due I’m sure to cost - the Lotus marketing people DID get it right with the S1.

Interesting review of the S2 in May’s Circuit Driver mag, which arrived today.

“They” prefer the S2 (particularly on the road) because it is NOT as hardcore & as track orientated as the S1, even though they prefer the looks of the S1. The jornalist thought he would be called a “wuss” for preferring the S2, & put the Exige in a “micro-niche” as far as marketing goes.

The test was of course caaried out at & around Hethel - with a certain Gavan Kershaw demonstrating what the car could do on track before Mr Journo had a go.

In a seperate section of the review was “Lotus is promising some more motorsport orientated options for the Exige in due course.More engine power & a close ratio 6 speed gearbox are certainly on the agenda”.

It’s still just an Elise Coupe in my book

How on earth do Lotus expect to sell the S2 in its current configuration if they keep leaking info to the effect that better things are on the way?

The test was of course caaried out at & around Hethel - with a certain Gavan Kershaw demonstrating what the car could do on track before Mr Journo had a go.

Surprise surprise ! Gavan could take most people people round Hethel in a chest-freezer on castors and convince people it’s a great track vehicle.

YES that was me and a good question too am i titanium or am i gunmetal cause i dont know,was a freaky day tho because i was really struggling to lean forward enough with the seatbelt on to get out onto shenley lane and the only car to come cruisin up and flash me out is you and i tell you something else you dont realise how good your own car looks and sounds until you see another being driven past

How on earth do Lotus expect to sell the S2 in its current configuration if they keep leaking info to the effect that better things are on the way?

They are leaking that information to GET people to buy the S2 in the knowledge they’ll be able to add options later, in the fact that’s it’s not a whole new car coming.
