Exige - Classic Status Confirmed

They are leaking that information to GET people to buy the S2 in the knowledge they’ll be able to add options later, in the fact that’s it’s not a whole new car coming.

Obviously I can see the logic in your point IDG.

Although you say these upgrades won’t feature in a standard car, has Lotus actually confirmed this? I think we’re mostly in agreement on this forum that the S2 needs something extra to prise open wallets in significant numbers, so a better standard car may prove irresistible to Lotus and punters alike.

Happy to be proven wrong though

Cool, I thought it was a bit freaky too, I normally drive on to Shenley Lane the same way you were going but for some reason that morning I went the other way.

Yours was the first Exige Ive seen while driving mine. Which ever colour it is it looked cool

Sorry I didnt stop to speak… I couldnt get out of my harnesses to open the window

Hope to see you around again sometime
