Donnington Friday 26th April (BookaTrack)

Just provisionally booked on… anyone else fancy it?

May pop down as a spectator, Dave - work dependant.

Provisionally booked too, just need to sort out a couple of things.

Anyone else? JF will you be ready for a shakedown?

Hmmmmmm - free day work wise at the moment…

donny’s my local, there’s loads of evening days in the summer - saves taking a day off work

No Ben it’ll be June. I’m having all but the sills painted and just agreed price and date. Sill’s will be wrapped and there is still body work to do. It’s just a temporary job to get it on track but I’m mega busy with June deadlines due as well, it’s finding the time at the moment. I wish I could be there, may pop up anyhoo tho.

Shall check diary next week. :slight_smile:

would love to, but I need a much bigger exhaust and find a way to silence the SC whine first

Ditch the TRD for a K&N , lower the boost and enrol on unkle P’s driver training/domino class ??

So we doing this then? Tim suggested doing Rockingham the following Tue (30/4) also with BAT.

I’ve never been to Rockingham but I do like Donny and could do either date…lads?

It’ll be worth it in the end JF…put an event in the diary to focus the mind. How about Donny Evening on the 28/6 with BAT and a ruby afterwards?

Already got the K&N Apollo (I think) and the TRD is just gathering dust in my garage, I plan to pipe it into the roof scoop to hopefully quieten it down a touch.
I was also considering a really large K&N cone filter but did not know which one to go for?

Rockingham could be a goer for me IF we could get everything fixed by then.
I will post a video up of Rockingham - IDG will approve … maybe

Love Rockingham, are there any noise restrictions there?

Have to say, I think I might prefer Rockingham. Went a bit squeaky bum at Donny costs (as did Lisa when she looked over my shoulder!), Rockingham feels better value.

And here’s another reason Ben:

All the more reason to do Rockingham! :smiley:

Do it! :sunglasses:

Nothing listed here and I don’t recall a test -

You’d have to be pretty darn loud to escape the bowl of grandstands and industrial park around it.

Ian :slight_smile:

Good news if they have not been taken over by the noise police maybe it will be an excuse to get the car out again, just need some new rear tyres!

Paging DaveP, come in DaveP…

rockingham do a static test, can’t remember the dB but 3/4 revs shouldn’t be a problem for a supercharged car even with a loud exhaust

it’s a class circuit, friendly place as well - the main driver gets a free breakfast roll and their food van is run by a local farm shop so the food’s lush. They normally have the half moon skid area opena all day with free instruction as well.