Donington Park : Why the hell not day : Friday 4th Sept

Lots of Donny action going on this year :sunglasses:, so why not chuck another one in for the hell of it :smiley:

Celebrate the kids being back at school by buggering off on a trackday with a very likely visit to Ghandi’s in the mix too.

  1. Benja

I’ll be in australia :frowning:

I refuse to feel sorry for you on that basis!

I’m in, work allowing…

  1. Benja
  2. DaveP

I’m booked in too as are a couple of my buddies with their Clio Cup cars (the two guys that came to Anglesey). Plus another mate in his Evo.

Looking good :sunglasses:

  1. Benja
  2. DaveP
  3. SeanB +3

I think ChrisB was in too…

I’ll think about it

It’s a Friday, it’s Donny, it’s a few Exiges lads, there’s probably a curry afters,…what’s there to think about eh!!

Well I’ve had a look at dates and I’ll be doing trackdays on Sunday 23rd and bank hol Monday (31st), one at Donny one at croft though which way round I’m not sure yet. Saves taking time off work, though I guess you need to go to Donny on the 4th for the test day noise levels?

This date may work better for me to come and watch than the October noisy day, is it okay to jump in for some pax’s Ben/Dave/Sean?

Please. :slight_smile:

Its a shame you won’t be able to join us. The 4th Sept is not the noisy day that’s the one in Oct…

It would be great to finally meet you Rob and pax would normally not be a problem,…but,…I doubt the Exige will be fixed so I might be driving something else and I know Dave is single seat in his R300.

I’m sure Sean or his mate Lee will take you out in one of the Clio Cup Racers which is a proper experience,… like being in the BTCC jumping the kerbs like nutters :sunglasses:

Yeah no problem Rob. It will be a good run as long as Ben get’s out of the way!! :wink:

Haha, I wouldn’t want to force you into more dodgy overtaking eh :laughing:

Nowt dodgy about going round the outside, in the wet, on the grass :slight_smile: :wink:

OK, why the hell not !!

What’s the chance I’d get through with the latest exhaust?

Won’t have time to get shaft(s) fixed. :frowning:

There’s only one way to find out Will,…get it booked :smiley: It would be great to see you if you can make it bud.

So far : me, AndyD/Stan, SeanB+2, DaveP, ChrisB (I think), Rob999.

Looking good :sunglasses:

Has anybody booked a garage? I guess me and DaveP will be with the BAT crew in the garages near pitlane exit. I think these are the high numbered ones. Would be great if we were all close together…