Donington 29th April - GP Collection and Supper

Further to earlier rumours it is confirmed that we have arranged an exclusive evening visit and supper to the world famous Donington Grand Prix Collection (see HERE) for our track day on Saturday 29th April 2006. For just �20 the Collection will be opened to participants from 6.15 p.m. until 9.15 p.m.and we will also be served a buffet supper from 8.00 p.m. in the Caf� Grand Prix from a choice of three menus:

Roast Beef Dinner with seasonal vegetables
Chile on a bed of rice
Broccoli bake with creamed potatoes and seasonal vegetables
Followed by:
Hot apple crumble

There is a minimum number of takers needed to make this viable (at least 30) so please give us your support and enjoy an evening steeped in motor sport history and with the rest of the exiges gang. There will, of course, be a bar available.

To make your reservation simply call the Collection on 01332 811027 with your credit card in your hand or email [email protected] with contact details. Orders will be taken but monies will not be collected until we know the event is viable (i.e.enough takers). PLEASE GIVE US YOUR SUPPORT.

Tell us on here when you have booked.

Afterwards we can all go back to the hotel bar (see other thread) and be amazed at each others’ wit and charm!

(approved by Rob!)

Afterwards we can all go back to the hotel bar (see other thread) and be amazed at each others’ wit and charm!

What?! No ‘Pull a granny’ competition or balloon racing cars this year then?!

Maybe we could combine the two and have a blow a granny competition…

you can show us how its done first

Have booked up for a look around the GP Collection and Supper, roast beef & apple crumble (hopefully not on the same plate!).



E-mail sent, all booked up

come on guys we need 30 for this to happen

email sent, so I presume I am booked !!

is anybody bringing their partner with them

Missus wants to know whether to come with or not?


I’m sure there’ll be a few laydeez there, so “Madbitch” (!!! sorry, only kidding) will be very welcome. I’ll even be delighted to buy her a drink

is anybody bringing their partner with them

Yes, me!! Please bring your other half along, it’s sure to reduce (my) earache in the longer term



I’m sure there’ll be a few laydeez there, so “Madbitch” (!!! sorry, only kidding) will be very welcome. I’ll even be delighted to buy her a drink

You’re a Brave Man if you call her that

is anybody bringing their partner with them

Yes, me!! Please bring your other half along, it’s sure to reduce (my) earache in the longer term


Woman get so touchy when you tell them they’re not invited

I’ll let her know there are some other ladies coming along

You’re a Brave Man if you call her that

Well, after meeting you both on numerous occassions, I took the calculated risk of hoping you’d both take it in complete jest, as intended.

PS If she’s upset, send her round to Bill Oddie’s place & let him take the rap!

Nah, she took it as intended

she took it as intended

As Frankie Howerd would have said "Ooo er, Missus !!

Sent an email booking me and mi’ brother in for the meal



Sent an email booking me and mi’ brother in for the meal


PS Like the Vinyl Veronique facial expression

ooof does she have Teeth? very life like then

PS Hes a big builder/fireman type…I’ll show him the picky

You may need this on the 29th


Booked (for two)


Got my finger out today and booked, will also be bringing the other half.

