Quite a few of us are booked in - anyone else planning to attend?
I’m In [color:“blue”] [/color]
Me three
Hi Guys…
thinking about Donongton on the 24th(work permitting).Does anyone know if it is a 'quiet’or ‘noisy’ day?My car has no cat and 190 upgrade…do you think I’d be OK?Also,do book a track operate their trackdays with (3) groups according to peoples experience/ability?
The 24th September is a rare Open Pit Lane, Noisy, GP date. We’re capping the numbers at just over 60 so it should be a good, clear day.
Hopefully see a few of you there.
Thanks Mr.Pesky/Jonny5!
I’m going to be there.
Excellento - looking forward to seeing Emma again …er & your Radical too!!!
Looking at how quick the (paid) places fill up… I have paid already.
just spotted you’d paid - thank Uldis. The 24th September is a toe-in-the-water for BaT. low numbers, high(er) price means we can run open pit lane.
going on how well the evening session went this week, I cant wait. Full day on the GP circuit, no noise restrictions…
Hey Guys - I’m booked in as well !!
Provided car is back together, it will be great to meet you all
What is the record for the most Exiges on track at any one time???
Just to say that I’ve booked in for Donington on the 24th sep.Really hoping to see as many Exiges and their owners as possible so, come on you lot who are still on bookatracks provisional list…get those credit cards out!
If I’m not on hols I’ll try and make it
Only 13 Places left for this event with far more than that on the unpaid list!
Time for the exiges.com to get their credit cards out!
See you all there
Come on you guys - there are 7 Exiges on the provisional list - time to take over Donington !!!
Yeah,come on guys!
Might make that eight Exiges becoming v tempted but �249 still seems a lot of Money.
Ok it took ten minutes to convince myself!.I am now 250 quid worse of,Eight Exiges it is.