know the one.

That’s not a nice thread at all :unamused:

The dealer didn’t see that coming.

More denigration, maybe Sean should pile in :laughing:

It’s ‘okay’ because it’s just banter…it’s Seloc after all :wtf:

I’ve missed that, off for a look…

wow, when banter turns bad… :ugeek:

Seloc has certainly excelled itself there…

circled back around to take a look, oh dear

car didn’t even look that bad

Ha ha ha, tbh I thought that. I’ve seen a lot worse…:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Danny the previous owner is less than pleased with the personal attacks and comments about his 11 year old daughter!! Cant say I blame him.

Some members seem to keep on kicking even when the guy is down, says a lot about a them.

Just added a bit more fuel to the fire

Classic internet forum malfunction.

If anyone knows Danny, I’d be advising him to delete his Seloc login, open a beer and forget all about it. Life’s too short to get bent out of shape by such things.

If something upsets you in an internet forum the most advisable action is almost always to close your browser and walk away,…never ever ever enter into an argument.

Yea otherwise it’s just exhausting

…or get all litigious.

Ah we are good on this forum about that one- remember the recent thread on here? that’s gone quiet now…

Hmm I may look at a new exhaust soon… :wink:


I’m looking for the thread, anyone got a link. Haven’t been on seloc for years.

Wow that’s an hour of my life I won’t get back… In fairness though a bit of a storm in a tea cup, I really don’t get all of the ‘I realise why I don’t frequent here comments’ the car’s bloody awful no wonder people have an opinion on it.
I don’t really think the owner did himself any favours either, nice guy or not ‘move over’ and ‘my other toy has big tits’… Really?
I think if 99% of the people on here saw a car with those stickers on only one thing would spring immediately to mind.
Sorry if that’s judgmental but most of you would think the same. Before anyone says otherwise visualise that car as a corsa.
If your prepared to put that kind of stuff on your car you should have a thicker skin in my very humble opinion.

I’m all up for a little individualism and the odd sticker but that’s not for me.

Boothy there are other issues that Baldy found very very upsetting, have another read