know the one.

It took an hour the first time I’m not reading it again :crazy:

I am guessing you mean the photo’s of the daughter? It’s really tongue in cheek stuff that is a pretty standard seloc rib take. It’s on almost every thread whenever a female is mentioned and should be taken for what it is, a bit of a joke.
I read seloc most days but rarely contribute, personally most of the time I think it’s a pretty well humoured forum with some ‘in’ jokes, I did not see anything there I would not expect on a lads night out.
Genuinely I think anyone who drives a car screaming ‘look at me’ as much as that does should be able to take that sort of piss taking. If you crave the attention don’t be surprised if the attention you get is not the kind of attention you wanted…

Personally I actually find driving a young girl in a car with that written on the back far more abhorrent than anything that was posted on there but maybe that’s just me :question:

Anyhow, I have never met the guy but I am sure he’s a nice enough chap. I just think he over reacted to a bit of banter and I don’t agree with the tacky ‘Tits’ sticker. However it’s his car (or was) so if he wants to put stickers all over it then it’s his choice.