Curry Count Donnington 12th

Ok Thursday or Friday which is it? I guess the Friday bonus is that everyone could be there. Just say which one you’d all prefer and next week I’ll book something up as convenient as possible…

Hope this is ok, be good to see everyone there, even some bloke called Chun Ming Tang in a Blue S2 Exige!

Friday for me and there’s a curry house in melbourne which is ok - next village to donny. The M1 will be crap on Friday night so lets have a ruby whilst the traffic dies down.

That’s a Friday for ConMcl who else?

That’s a Friday for ConMcl who else?

Have I mentioned I like Curry

Friday gets my vote too…having spent all day in the car hooning I won’t be in any hurry to sit stationary in it gently broiling myself on the M1.

Friday gets my vote too…having spent all day in the car hooning I won’t be in any hurry to sit stationary in it gently broiling myself on the M1.

Me too…please [image][/image]

Yeah I don’t mind which day. But if it is Friday I will be trailering so can we go to a place with some decent parking.

Another vote for Friday. Not too far out of the way please.

Quite fancy the Friday too, but will be trailering like Sean, so decent car park!

Friday will suit me …avoid some of the M1 traffic for a while…
If my engine is not boiling , my stomach will be

Quite fancy the Friday too, but will be trailering like Sean, so decent car park!

The curry house in melbourne is in an old pub which does have quite a big car park. Will check with my in-laws who live there what its called.

Friday seems the best idea, put me down as a probable

Can’t come

I know Marky I know there there


Me, Pesky, SeanB, ConMcL, Benja, Evo_ufo, DaveP, Mr Bean, ade, Wallsy+1…anyone else?

92, ASHBY ROAD, Derby, DE73 8ES
Car park described as HUGE, tis booked!

Relly easy to get to, straight on down Slade Lane from the main entrance (FYI which by the way is now always closed so don’t attempt to use it for those who don’t know), a right in Wilson. Onto Penn Lane once in Melbourne and a left onto Ashby Rd. It’s a piece of cake, looks no more that 10-12 mins tops. Google maps is great isn’t it, Area 51 really is there…it’s where they faked the Apollo Moon landings don’t you know!

Me too please, plus one

Will also have trailer in tow so second the big carpark requirement.


Will also have trailer in tow so second the big carpark requirement.


Are you a racer now… or just a pessimist?

According to my appraisal at work today I’m a pessimist .

Last trip to Donington ended up with the car going home on the back of a recovery lorry. This way I will avoid the delay.

Although this will be my first proper track day, I’m optimistic I can have my tyres illegal come home time. And it�s a long way back up here.


According to my appraisal at work today I’m a pessimist .

But aren’t all women the same?

Hope you have a safe journey down to Donny, & look forward to seeing you, car, & co-driver on Friday

I’m in.


I believe that Martin Edwards will be attending too.