Croft Accomodation - Booking details


I tried online, got the message that they were fully booked, posted a question about available rooms, got a response that something else was available, and jumped. Ok, so I need to be more patient. I will call and see if one of the 20 rooms is still available.



I Rang them and booked my room, took 2 mins

Now I’m properly booked as well. They still ahve some rooms available to anyone elso who tried online and then went elsewhere.

Rang and booked mine just now. The direct no.for Blackwell Grange is 0870 6096121. (website no. is central bookings)
Have booked single but if anyone wants to share can change.(twin of course) Let me know

I’ve just booed in as well.

I’ll see if my new lady friend wants to come along but if not then I’ll share a room with you Steve, if that’s OK… I don’t snore and have reasonable levels of personal hygene

I get a feeling she may not want to as didn’t appear to keen on the car but is being to polite to just say it

Fine with me Mark. Let me know and i will get a 2nd cot put in room

Hello!! Newbie here.
Have been snooping around this site for quite a while now, but I�ve finally taken the plunge and registered!
Thought I may join you on the Croft day. I�ve never been to a track day before but plan on becoming a regular at them. Best sit this first one out though and see what it�s all about.
Having said this��I�ve been a little cheeky and already booked one of the 20 rooms at the hotel that had reserved. Hope this doesn�t cause any problems??

Look forward to meeting you all there

  • Amy

You will be most welcome…look forward to meeting you… there will be PAX laps a plenty…

Have you got an exige ? or elise ? not that it matters… just being nosey

Thank you!! Can’t wait!

Bought a S1 exige late last year, so looking forward to my first summer driving it. Want to start doing some track days though - after all, that’s what it’s built for!

Thank you!! Can’t wait!

Bought a S1 exige late last year, so looking forward to my first summer driving it. Want to start doing some track days though - after all, that’s what it’s built for!

excellent… bring it down even if you don’t venture on track… looks like this will deffo be the biggest collection of exiges (all shapes and sizes ) since the factory had em stocked up !!

Just booked me room!!

Couldnt get the rate or breakfast, been told have to speak to Anne at reservations on monday.

Unless there is anyone with spare bed…Dont think i should have asked but hey nothing ventured…nothing gained!!

but what the hell…i’m going!!

Amanda, our deal means you can have up to 3 in a room for the same cost. That said, I can’t say I’d actually recommend any one to share with…although I doubt you’ll be short on offers (and Ben the answer is ‘No’ before you offer, I’d like my wife and family to be there when I get home! ).


Ben the answer is ‘No’ before you offer, I’d like my wife and family to be there when I get home!

LOL Just coz you want my undivided attention you old smoothie

Oooo no ,…too early on a Monday for that kind of humour