court day looms

Ben ?


Surely they can’t take people down straight from court to Guantanamo?

Hope you’re OK Ade

Next Wednesday is the day :frowning:

All the best Mate.

Today Ade??
If so Good Luck buddy

It was today, drove there with Steve (so I had a lift home) and didn’t need it :smiley:
6 points and £500 fine £85 costs £50 victims surcharge
Total £635!

Sounds like as good a result as possible ade.

Yup that sounds like a good outcome. £635 is the cost to close the chapter on 2014 and enjoy a nice Xmas : result!

Yup, sounds a good result.

Nice one Ade a very similar outcome to me last year. Time to celebrate fella

Seasons Greetings

Tis the season of goodwill Ade :clap:

Enjoy Christmas matey you’ve earned it :thumbup:

Glad it is all behind you now Ade, just have a great Christmas and 2015 will be all good for you bud

Congrats Ade.

Fresh start for 2015 now!

Merry Christmas

Fair play Ade.

Great that it’s behind you. Wish you all the best for the New Year.

Good result

Happy to hear it’s behind you now and you are behind the wheel again/still.
Must be bloody relieved!

Great to hear some positive news.

Seconded! :thumbup:

‘Go Safe’, the Wales Road Casualty Reduction Partnership, has always been very ‘active’ regarding speeding. Indeed, its current declared aim states:

“Our focus for 2013/2014 changed from previous years, and is typified by the concept that ‘There are no enforcement free times and there are no enforcement free locations’”.

Best avoided in future?