court day looms

Well my court day is looming and I have just been looking how to get there by public transport as there is a high chanceof disqualification. I’m sure if this is just fun by the Welsh Police and justice system, but the court is Mold where there are no stations nearby and very few hotels.
So it looks like a few cab journeys and a night in a hotel to compound my missery. :unamused:

Good luck , sometimes it goes better than you think , been there a few times mate , once i was really naughty and it looked like i would losing my license but a free duty solicitor with something to prove sorted it .

Oh dear, as above, been in same situation, a good lawyer and escaped a ban, 12 points on my licence.

I’m sure you have prepared your 101 reasons why a ban would cause you exceptional hardship, best of luck.

Good luck, pal.:

Good luck Ade. Hope it works out.

Yeah good luck dude - fingers crossed for a good result.

Fingers crossed for you Ade - hope you get a a lot of overdue good luck…

Good luck Ade. I hope it works out for you.

Get a buddy to give you a ride there and back. Such days best to have a good mate with you.

Good luck!

Ade - can you not get the court switched to something local to you or have i read it wrong?

A genuine hardship plea will help. Good luck fella.

good luck fella

Good luck Ade

Good luck Ade

Ade, my solicitor (who suggested he didn’t attend on the day) advised -

Dress smart, this does not have to be a suit & tie, smart casual is ok and shows you respect the court/system.
If you have a genuine hardship or mitigation plea then prepare well.
Make notes and use/refer to them in court - it demonstrates your understanding of the seriousness of the charge and you have made due consideration.
Show remorse and acknowledge you did wrong.

I got off with a massive fine & 3 points for 55 in a 30. Good luck again fella.

My solicitor said the same, also helped me draft a letter to give to the court, given my latest circumstances and having to look after my Mum I am going to ask for that to be taken into account, might just get a sizable fine and 6 points rather than the more expected speeding ban, but with all these things, I just have to wait and see.
It was interesting some of the advice he gave me, lets see what happens

All the best Ade.

I agree, get a mate to be your ‘taxi’ for the day…

Whatever it is, I’m looking forwarding to hearing it’s all behind you.

All the best!

Saw this and thought it would give you some hope Ade. Anyone on here :

“high-end Lotus Exige supercar” :clap: :laughing:

blimey 54 mph over, makes mine at 31 seem pedestrian by comparrison.

Good Luck with it.