C'mon Evosal - post Arrow's findings!

(or actually go to the race!)

It will be great watching you, mate Don’t forget Dave, they’ll be lots of us fellow exigers to give you a hand at the circuit - apparently I’m A* at fetching cups of tea, but not a lot else

Rubbish! You’re the best and most prolific cake scoffer I know of.

I’m A* at fetching cups of tea, but not a lot else

Maybe this year you can try and add “Bacon Sarnies” to that “list”.

I recon if I wasn’t so busy wondering when I’ll get to eat again I could come up with a few “go faster” tweaks.

Maybe this year you can try and add “Bacon Sarnies” to that “list”.

As you know all too well, James, it’s all down to budget (or lack of!)

Any road up, has pater had your car serviced yet chez Edwards? (I dropped off a new silenced de-cat pipe for it last week).

What I found interesting is that MarkF beat him at the only race he entered… (although that was Marks’ home circuit ?)

Looking at the photos he was running Rimstocks and has a full cage, so I’d imagine he was running heavier than Randy too…

Anyone know if Mark is entering more rounds this year ?

Mark Funnell is a bit handy behind the wheel, he knows CC like Pesky knows bisto. I have been round the track with him when he was kind enough to give me a pax. Nice fella and its great to see a lotus giving the radicals a run for their money.

Chill Rob, Simons not even posted it to me yet, i think he’s posting it tommorow, i thought you already knew what it said anyway
I think he’s getting it signed off by some f1 engineers

Any news, Chris?

Nope still not got it im going to send Simon an e-mail see if i can speed him up

Nope still not got it im going to send Simon an e-mail see if i can speed him up

Is Nigel signing the damn thing off, hence the delay?

Nope still not got it im going to send Simon an e-mail see if i can speed him up

Is Nigel signing the damn thing off, hence the delay?

Can’t wait till Nigel see’s you at the first race this year Pesky. He will be giving you one of those special northern kisses!! lol.

He, he, Sean

Actually, I’m more scared of his missus - especially when she & Mrs Evosal join forces…

Nope still not got it im going to send Simon an e-mail see if i can speed him up

Are you delaying this, so you can bring a signed copy to our “curry meet” on Monday?


Has he buggered off to Tora Bora again?

C’mon Chris,

Even Nigel can’t be that slow at reading it, when all it says is “Honda’s are cheap, nasty & crap, with conrods made out of plastic”.

No point posting it then if you’ve already had your crystal ball out

C’mon Chris,

Even Nigel can’t be that slow at reading it, when all it says is “Honda’s are cheap, nasty & crap, with conrods and gearboxes[color:“red”] [/color] made out of plastic”.

Sorry Rob could’nt resist

No need to apologise old boy, I thought the gearboxes were in Cheddar


Did you go for a full rebuild or just rods, +.5mm pistons, headbolts, slight overbore?

been speakign to richard about the rotrex St 2 kit and not really wise on a std engine, just wonderign if your doing the crank and camtrain too?


ps he sent me out loads of pics of it installed in a white exige- can only assume its yours

Yes mate that will be my car, i did’nt have any problems running with a standard engine until i started to race it, if you,re only using it for road and trackdays you would probably be ok.
Im having an engine built by clockwise at the moment with darton liners, 89mm pistons, stroker crank and bigger valves etc,etc.

Im having an engine built by clockwise at the moment with darton liners, 89mm pistons, stroker crank and bigger valves etc,etc.

Flash git!

Thers the low fat, 320 bhp version which runs ok on std internals, then theres the full 400bhp version, which does need upgraded internals, just trying to convince myself which level to go for!

Whats the cost for the rebuild if you dont mind me asking? I would do it myself i think

May as well go for the vindaloo otherwise you may as well get one of those nancy boy jackson jobbies
Not sure on cost yet but probably not as much as you would expect, give clockwise a call