C'mon Evosal - post Arrow's findings!

Okay, don’t bother, cos we all know what they are, as Special K is chomping at the bit on Seloc

PS If you’ve got a spare low mileage tractor engine laying around, I’ll buy it off you

Never mind that…get some pictures of your cage posted Rob !

I would if I could, but I can’t, so I won’t, is that okay, Dave?

No it isn’t. I want to know how much of a mess it’s going to make of my car


If you follow Hoffmanns (ie Randy’s) instructions, there should be no problems. I presume that you have spoken with Randy directly about that?

Sorry Rob i dont have them yet, you know you would be the first to know
Simon is posting them to me so as soon as i have them i will put a copy on e-bay for the highest bid You should’nt have got him banned if you are so interested

Thought he was banned on seloc anyway

Just had a look on seloc Rob, seems Simons made a comeback cant find any ref to the Arrow findings though, can you post a link please ??

Here Chris :-


You should’nt have got him banned if you are so interested

Not me, mate, I just wanted him to behave reasonably.

Bloody Hell, I’m getting some air time on that post. lol

Bloody Hell, I’m getting some air time on that post. lol

One of his posts seems to suggest that you would go faster this year with a lawn mower engine than one of his K series !!!

You should’nt have got him banned if you are so interested

Not me, mate, I just wanted him to behave reasonably.

QED you got him banned

Bloody Hell, I’m getting some air time on that post. lol

One of his posts seems to suggest that you would go faster this year with a lawn mower engine than one of his K series !!!

Hahaha… it does !

Perhaps you could sharpen your front splitter, lower it a bit and drive round just off the circuit on the grass and get some ‘circuit maintenance’ wages too ??

Can someone give a quick overview of what the hell this thread is about please ? I read Simons old posts (on here) and stuff but who is Arrow and what are they doing ? What is Simon saying on Seloc, is he causing waves again ?


Will only take you 10 mins to read this SELOC Forums

Ok thanks. I am now interested in the findings of this other company. Should be a good read !

Thanks again.

Arrows are an after market Con Rod (amongst other things) manufacturer.

You should’nt have got him banned if you are so interested

Not me, mate, I just wanted him to behave reasonably.

QED you got him banned

The last thing I wanted was to have him banned - just wanted him to show some decency & respect. I wanted him to stay, because quite frankly, apart from the personal insults, I find his posts absolutely hilarious - eg current Seloc stuff.

Apparently he’s been allowed back on seloc because lots of people complained about him being banned

Apparently he’s been allowed back on seloc because lots of people complained about him being banned

Oh, isn’t that sweet, he’s mobilised his groupies

More likely to be that they missed being able to laugh at the contents of his posts, which continue to be based upon his opinions, & his jumping to incorrect conclusions, rather than facts, or delivery of product. Hope he continues posting, though, cos they’re always worth a read