C'mon Evosal - post Arrow's findings!

For those who can’t be bothered looking at Seloc, Special K has just posted this gem, in reponse to a post by Scuffers:

[color:“blue”]Well then that’s your just plain bad luck, because as I will show the honda is a cheap, engine with some really nasty design faults, and if you cannot or will not understand that it only shows your total lack of engineering competance and experiance.

Not that that, hasn’t been obvious to many for years and years - you leave a trail of people behind you saying very much the same things about you.

As far as Sean’s engine is concerned you have absolutely no idea of the course of events other than the picture you want to project on it, surprise surprise.

In the event Sean’s engine was chucked togeather to get him into the last midengined race, the experiance of running it in Lot told me that when people have their own ideas, and you can’t influence them, there is absolutely no point building them a really good engine.

Of course you will understand none of the above, but let me tell you something scuffham, I have way more experiance with successful race teams running my engines than you can possibly imagine, and it was that experiance next to Lot last year that saw Sean and I come to the understanding we now share.

you can now start crying again… [/color]

Perhaps you can now understand why he is ridiculed everywhere he posts - great entertainment.

PS Sean - absolutely no need for you to get involved with this here, mate, just continue your good work & get the Audi beast to your liking

Pesky - I was joking on the getting him banned post - but you already knew that I’m sure.

He really is his own worst enemy at times…the post you have highlighted being a choice example. But i can’t help thinking that there was some method in his maddness and perhaps there was some truth in some of the things he has championed. It’s a great pity he couldn’t answer some of the basics questions asked of him.

Looking forward to the Arrows report also - not that it may be used to knock down one side or the other but just out of curiosity and a genuine desire to gleam a little knowledge.

Completely agree Steve…

I wish that he would steer away from the sniping and jibing and just let the engines speak for themselves. It doesn’t help his cause when he states all these ‘facts’ with no evidence to back things up (like the race team engines).

In some ways I really wish I could have just upgraded my K series for racing this year…but it’s just too much of an unknown for me to risk, I don’t have the money to do it twice.

Looking forward to the Arrows report also - not that it may be used to knock down one side or the other but just out of curiosity and a genuine desire to gleam a little knowledge.


Firstly, no probs re banning

Secondly, it will be interesting to learn if “Arrow” have in fact authorised the publication of their report. I’m sure that they won’t want a missive from Honda’s solicitors However, that would give the Special One another excuse to claim things he is unable to substantiate.

You’re right Rob dont want to get in trouble do you have Russ’s login details while he’s away

it will be interesting to learn if “Arrow” have in fact authorised the publication of their report.

I would have thought the report belongs to whoever commissioned it and as such its theirs to do with as they wish. If I had an independant engineers report on a piece of failed equipment at work and then showed it to the manufacturer, I’d think it OTT if their response was to want to bring in solicitors.

If Arrow(s) are producing a professional report, I’d expect them to stand behind it and possibly more importantly to carry some form of professional indemnity insurance to cover them from the consequences.

I guess I’m really hoping that having waved the report in front of us, its not pulled away…


In my experience of “professional reports”, they usually state precisely for whom the report is written for,& that it is for their use only, with no unauthorised publication permitted.

Obviously I’ve absolutely no idea about the Arrows report etc, so it may/may not make public reading.

PS In “your scenario”, the report would be shown to your supplier, not put on a public forum.

Good god whats it coming to ?? You big wussie if i ever get the report im publishing it on here, its an engineers report, an opinion based on available facts.

Jeremy Clarkson goes on tv every week slating different manufacturers cars that in his opinion are rubbish, as far as im aware he has not been sued yet for it ??
What are they going to do ?? for a start they would need the rods themselves to examine which belong to me.
If i get a knock on the door i can always eat the evidence

Don’t worry, I’ll send you a meat pie whilst you’re in Strangeways, whilst Nigel & Stevie Edwards will drive your fleet in this years LOTRDC races

So, why haven’t you posted the report - Special K has got it in his possession hasn’t he? Or was he fantasing about that too in his Seloc post of 13th Jan 08:

[color:“blue”] just got back the results from one of Evosals 4 blown hondas from Lot last year

look out for Arrow’s comments when Evosal posts them up [/color]

PS Special K is aware of this thread - fact!

Chill Rob, Simons not even posted it to me yet, i think he’s posting it tommorow, i thought you already knew what it said anyway
I think he’s getting it signed off by some f1 engineers

I think he’s getting it signed off by some f1 engineers

Ooh, I’m now blushing…not!

I’ll beat him to it, Honda engines are poo, full stop. Will I ever ditch mine, & replace it with one of his creations…errr nope

What’s the bettings odds on him mentioning Scuffhams aftermarket pistons/rods when he posts the info on SELOC ?

From the posts I have read and the limited knowledge I have about the LOT series, it sounds like it would be awesome if Simon takes Randy’s offer of running his engine. That would stop all the crap, wouldnt it ?

if Simon takes Randy’s offer of running his engine. That would stop all the crap, wouldnt it ?

Is that the latest position?

From the posts I have read and the limited knowledge I have about the LOT series, it sounds like it would be awesome if Simon takes Randy’s offer of running his engine. That would stop all the crap, wouldnt it ?

What friggin engine is that then? There appear to be none available to fit in an Elise/Exige - it’s not as if he has a stock of them, ready to sell, when certain known “customers” have been awaiting delivery for some time. Fair enough, it’s only a mere 3 years since he burst onto the scene in a blaze of self professed glory, & where is the evidence/product?

Randy’s “runaway” success in 2007 was down to a combination of a very well developed/reliable car, PLUS his not inconsiderable skill as a racing driver. Hopefully 2008 will see more well developed/reliable cars & drivers giving him a run for his money.

What I found interesting is that MarkF beat him at the only race he entered… (although that was Marks’ home circuit ?)

Looking at the photos he was running Rimstocks and has a full cage, so I’d imagine he was running heavier than Randy too…

Anyone know if Mark is entering more rounds this year ?


Mark also entered the first race at Brands too, which was won by Walshy (Randy did not start)

At CC, Randy was punted off by Walshy on the 1st lap of the “Scratch” race, & Mark won the “Handicap” race, with Randy 2nd (although Randy’s best lap was 1 sec quicker - it just shows what a difference having to carve one’s way through the field).

Without a doubt though, the series would benefit from Mark entering more rounds, cos he is a stonking driver too

Ahh… that’ll teach me to study the timings more carefully !

(or actually go to the race!)

(or actually go to the race!)

It will be great watching you, mate Don’t forget Dave, they’ll be lots of us fellow exigers to give you a hand at the circuit - apparently I’m A* at fetching cups of tea, but not a lot else

PS Stay away from a bloke called Nigel - he appears friendly & helpful, but…

Will certainly need all the help I can get bud !

Is he the one that keeps adding metal tubey bits into peoples engine bay when they’re not looking ?