Club Lotus - Donington

Hi folksAny one from North of the Watford gap fancy a run down from Lancs/Yorks on either Sat 10th/sun 11th ? I think we have 3 Lotuses so far, but no favoured day.CheersRT

Count me in !Where do we sign, where do we sign ? (Or have I missed registration somehow…)Favoured day: Saturday - It gives me a day to recover ![This message has been edited by Admin5 (edited 01 February 2001).]

Hi DavidHope I did not get your hopes up, but this is a meet, not a track day (advantage-you won’t need new pads & tyres afterwards!)You just get to see a bit of Lotus heritage and talk about the good old days with various trades people, dealers and the odd old chuffer who has spent the last 15 years doing up an Elan back to concours. Oh, and the best bit is the Lotus car park outside-hundreds of Loti & their owners having a natter.David/anyone - are you booked on the LRV Anglesey day 24 feb ? I just booked with Mike, I think there are places left.Cheers,RT

Is it next weekend or some other month?Might be able to make it, but I’m starting a new contract on monday so don’t know whether I’ll be up north or down south yet.BTW If it is next weekend, I’ve just had a letter from Donington about a Trakzone day on the 10th for 100 quid.

Just read on another thread that the Lotus/Donny event is in March. Phew, got a month to get my act together.

Hitch - you are booked in for LRVs Anglesey in 3 weeks, are’nt you ?

Yep. Thanks for reminding me!

could be up for it…have done the run down a couple of times on the backroads from Leeds and its quite fun

I’m not from ‘oop north’, but I’d like to meet up with some other Exige owners at the Donington show. I’ll be getting my car soon, and it would be interesting to exchange notes with other owners.

quote:Originally posted by Brendan:I’ll be getting my car soon, and it would be interesting to exchange notes with other owners.Don’t forget that there’s an SIDC track day at Donington on the 18th February.I’ll be whizzing around in my Exige.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Brendan:I’m not from ‘oop north’, but I’d like to meet up with some other Exige owners at the Donington show. Brendan-I will let you know nearer the time what day we are going on, and arrange to meet at Donny, no prob.Russ

Mr admin blokey - David is it? I won’t be able to make it on the 18th, and I think I’d get too jealous watching other people thrashing around in Lotuses before I get mine. Thanks anyway.Russ, cheers for that, I look forward to hearing from you.

I can’t make it on Saturday, but could be persuaded (very easily!) to go on Sunday [image][/image]Anyone else decided to go on Sunday, & is it still on bearing in mind the Foot & Mouth situation?

Pesky,Sunday should be okay, I will check with Club Lotus to see if it is still on.BrendanAre you still going down ?

I’m 90% sure I’ll be there on Saturday.No can do Sunday [image][/image]You’ll instantly recognise my car, it’s the Exige that ISN’T New Aluminium [image][/image]

and its also very clean as its kept in the box all week

quote:Originally posted by stevegreen:and its also very clean as its kept in the box all weekYou cheeky devil [image][/image]It’s true that I clean it whenever I take the car out (once a week or thereabouts) But when you’re running race brake pads, you don’t really want it as a daily driver !Anyway, don’t give me any of your “you don’t use it” flannel Mr Green… at least when I do use it, I use it as it was intended… on the track so [image][/image] to you [image][/image]

quote:Originally posted by RussT:BrendanAre you still going down ?Oh yes! (Well it’s more sort of across, actually, I’m quite close to Donny.) I’m just waiting for a clearer idea of what day everybody else is going. We seem to have a bit of a mixed bag between the two days at the moment. I’d like to meet LOTS of fellow Exige owners if poss.

BrendanWe real beer drinkers are leaving Knutsford at atound 8.30am - eta 10.00ish - can meet you there - email your phone no. & I will ring you on arrival.CheersRT

quote:Originally posted by RussT:BrendanWe real beer drinkers are leaving Knutsford at atound 8.30am - eta 10.00ish - can meet you there - email your phone no. & I will ring you on arrival.CheersRTThanks Russ, but I’m not THAT close, so I guess I’ll just try to get there about the same time, unless you want to meet up somewhere else first? (Donnington services seems a popliar choice) What’s with the ‘Real beer drinkers’ comment? Are you calling me a soft southern shandy drinker, or what? What do you call real beer?I’m pretty sure I’m going on Sunday, and I’m toying with the idea of going on Saturday as well. (If the wife will let me). What’s everybody else doing ?