
Thoughts (supportive ideally) and advice please.

Got stopped a few weeks ago for turning down a road that was only meant to be for taxis. Whoops, �30, no points, fair enough.

HOWEVER, it was also pointed out to me that my MOT had expired, which was a surprise but did turn out to be accurate by a few weeks (I thought it was due just before the tax but it wasn�t, etc). I get an MOT done the following day and produce my documents making no effort to hide the fact I didn�t have one and when asked I stated that I thought I did have a valid one, couldn�t find it, so got another one done (which is honest). So, today a summons arrives.

My queries to you fine folks are:

  • Anybody had any experience, what was the outcome?
  • Should I go to court or just plead guilty by post? Anybody know if a letter can be sent with the submission?

    Sweep stake on the punishment gentlemen?



What do you mean by a summons?

Court summons for not having an MOT?

Just a fine for going into a Taxi lane?

Or 3 points and �60 for both?


Ian when I got done for the same thing it was a fine only. Probably now around �60 I imagine. Probably no point turning up as they will probably double the fine if they see you.

Probably no point turning up as they will probably double the fine if they see you.

I’ve seen him & I’d triple it!

No MOT is not points endorseable, I am surprised they are going to court for it, just send in a letter saying sorry and it was an oversight which will never happen again etc. small fine and jobs done

Good luck with the outcome, which should be no more than �60 & no points tops. Say sorry/grovel etc by post. not worth turning up for. If your car passed its MOT with flying colours it may be worth a mention too, to lessen the blow.

Plod was obviously not a car fan then

Ian when I got done for the same thing it was a fine only. Probably now around �60 I imagine. Probably no point turning up as they will probably double the fine if they see you.

Cheers Russ.

Did they means test you? I have to fill in a form. If you did okay with that I should be fine (so to speak).

You joke about doubling the fine for turning up but there’s something in it! Costs (presumbably on top of the fine) are �35 for writing back AND MORE IF I ACTUALLY TURNED UP!!!

So Russ was your �60 estimate inc the costs?


Probably no point turning up as they will probably double the fine if they see you.

I’ve seen him & I’d triple it!

And there was me hoping for a classic from you on your 6000th post - tsch!


Court summons for not having an MOT?


Just a fine for going into a Taxi lane?


Or 3 points and �60 for both?

[color:“blue”]No points, �30 for taxi lane, MOT fine as yet undetermined [/color]

Cheers Tim/Adrian


As far as I am aware, the “means test” only comes into it if you say that you need time to pay the fine (which they have determined after hearing the evidence, & you’re found guilty)

[color:“blue”] Posted by Pesky via Russ’s 'puter [/color]

Tis’ not what the wifey says the form states. Here’s hoping.

Show very little disposable income
The court has no way of checking

Step daughter went to court today for no insurance - �150 and 6 points.

No MOT is normally a lesser offence…

Go and see a solicitor Ian

Show very little disposable income
The court has no way of checking

Perjury is not a recommended option, according to Archer & Aitken (sounds like a firm of solicitors)!

Show very little disposable income
The court has no way of checking

[Headshake mode]

The court insists you enclose payslips and evidence of outgoings.

I also suspect they do have a way of checking (although hardly likely to be used for a case like this).

I’m with Pesky, perjury has a much higher penalty.


Step daughter went to court today for no insurance - �150 and 6 points.

No MOT is normally a lesser offence…

Go and see a solicitor Ian

6 points, ouch.

A solicitor is more time (=money) and more money. As much as I’d like to get off I suspect it’s overkill in this case.


Last time I was in court (10 years ago) I just had to fill a form in I filled it in properly and was told I had �2000 a month of disposable income, so I ended up with an �800 fine for 44 in a 30, I never quite saw how that was fair. Then you never had to proove anything, I could have written down whatever I wanted, the rules must have changed

dont give up. When I was caught speed ‘by the book’ I should have been banned and �1000 fine. But after turning up in a smart suit and pleading my case (basically admitting guilt!) I got 6 points and a �150 fine. So dont assume anything!