Cadwell group shot

Strange, i cannot

Great day guys - thanks for putting up with an interloper in an Elise. I enjoyed the wet bit, where was everyone else?

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Here’s a couple more.




Gotta say, this guy�s pretty ballsy, I mean a soft top to an day� I�m amazed he got out alive .



I was surprised to not see Mr P jumping up and down on it.
Guess he has more self-restraint than I thought

Mr P is getting on a bit now and from the other pic’s he seemed more concerned with holding his pants up

Mr P is getting on a bit now and from the other pic’s he seemed more concerned with holding his pants up

Nah, just got me nurse to give me an extra shot of tranquiliser, & all was well in the world

Maybe the elastic holding up Mr P’s colostomy bag just snapped!!!

Glad to see you all had a great time, sorry I could’nt make it but car is still down at Plans.



Can we get originals of the three group shot piccies?


PM me your e-mail address and I’ll send the full res pics.

Goes for anybody.


Thanks to all who organised the day this was my first Track Day in the Exige and am sure not my last. Got some good advice on tyre pressures etc, thanks. Exellent circuit,the Hairpin and Barn where interesting in the wet.