Cadwell group shot

Zandfort (however you spell it !) ??

Yep, I’m deffo up for that (Great suggestion, Dave)

Think it’d be good…we’d get a bit more time to chat to people and a few drinks with everyone in the evening ?

Nice to catch up with peeps and one of the most fun TDs I have done. Quite challenging after lunch with the grip levels changing from lap to lap.
Big thank you to all for such a great day and of course tollerating a couple of Elises

So sorry to have missed it but glad that you all had a great time. Funny that the last time went to Cadwell it threw it down at lunch time as well. Lovely circuit though.

Well done LOT as usual a very well run day …Glad the Cadwell instructors liked us …must say Malc gives rather more info than I got from their instructor who obviously did not realise that S1’s on 039’s and Pagids do stop well!!!

…their instructor who obviously did not realise that S1’s on 039’s and Pagids do stop well!!!

Aah, the one with Ricky Hatton’s nose

Great circuit, great company, great day

Car was going great and is a credit to Martin and Steve,…thanks guys.

ECU decided to have a bit of a brain-fart when we attached a laptop and went into limp-home mode Did not spoil my day though, just a pity that neither AndyD or I got out in the afternnon (sorry Andy ).

On the positive side I got all the way back to London (via Warwick) on a single tank of fuel…who says SC Honda fuel economy is bad…probably had something to do with having a 4k rev limit

The only downside for me is that since the car got absolutely soaking wet that it has developed all kinds of new squeaks and buzzes - driving back today it sounded like sooty and sweep were having a fight on a snare drum

Had a top day and boy were we lucky with the weather !

Was relieved to see a reasonably dry track when I got out of the tent on Sunday morning - especially as the rain pounding the tent at 2.30 am was not what I wanted to hear !

Agree about the circuit - Cadwell is fantastic and it was made better by having confidence in the people that were on track with you - thanks one and all.
As has been previously said - not a red flag all day - Top marks all round !

Whilst the old K may not have been as fast down the straights as the Honda et al - it sure does make some good noises when on overrun going through the trees and it was a close call on who had the biggest flame thrower of the day ! Steve E (Honda) or Ian (K).

Thanks to Mark A and the LOT guys for sorting this out.

Is it just me or does next year seem an awful long time to wait for another gathering ? September anyone and yes I will bring a BBQ this time Mr P ! - (P.s chrome brown - PMSL )

p.p.s. happy Birthday Ben - hope the cars ok

happy birthday Ben

Yup. Happy Birthday Ben!

Cheers lads.

Super pic ! Glad everyone had a good time

Hope to make the next one.

Super pic ! Glad everyone had a good time

Your missus really enjoyed it

Zandfort (however you spell it !) ??

Yep, I’m deffo up for that (Great suggestion, Dave)

Zandvoort would a great choice for the Exige - was my home track

However I think there were quite some questions about booking it and I think the cost - so if its a serious consideration would need a bit of forward planning.

I’m up for helping out with that if needed … and … its closer than you think

Did Zandvort last year with LoT…

Awesome track, one of the best I have driven.

Your right Andy it is very close in a way… 20 mins drive time from me (albeit with a 14hr ferry crossing

The only downside for me is that since the car got absolutely soaking wet that it has developed all kinds of new squeaks and buzzes - driving back today it sounded like sooty and sweep were having a fight on a snare drum

I hope your wipe didn’t pack up though. Thankfully Henry was a perfect pace car for the A1(M)/M25 whilst peering though the unwiped haze. The M4 was interesting though!

All of that was after one of my rear tow eyes came loose and dragged on the ground (mucho sparks). Eventful trip home!

It didn’t ruin a great weekend though. All the important bits of the car worked great (like the engine!).


Thanks one and all for superb day on a wonderful circuit! I’ve been on one track day before that had two other S1 Exiges - which felt strange as I very rarely see any others on the road. I didn’t know which way to look (though thankfully stayed with my instincts and generally looked straight ahead) with the number of S1s buzzing around on Sunday!

I am happy with my standard car, but I must say I was blown away by the pace of most of the modified cars. Some serious cash is waiting to be spent if my trusty old K ever blows.

Great to meet up with IDG, Colin, and Ex77 on the way. Had a lovely blast up to the track, except for a smokin’ Clio at Peterborough who lost control watching what was overtaking, rather than what he was about to hit.

Wonderful to meet some legends. The Edwards boys trying to harness their extra supercharged power on the Mountain, and sawing at the wheel to gain control on every lap. And of course Mr Pesky, trying to decide which picture to buy of his Exige which showed it at it’s pinkest!



Another thank you from me for the organising that went into the day.

I was good to get on track with some other Exiges to see the pace my car should be at, and it’s was good to have some very helpful instructors (even if i did have to come in early after boiling my brake fluid.)

We were very lucky with the weather, i though it was over at lunch time, but the track dried out well and i got plenty of time out.

I look forward to the next, with some new brake fluid in…

great day

get the car dialed in more every track day :slight_smile:

btw where has the photo gone ?

great day

get the car dialed in more every track day > :slight_smile:

btw where has the photo gone ?

I can still see it.