Cadwell group shot

Great day thanks all.

Here’s a group shot. I’ll sort out others in the not too distance future.



superb day!
shame about the weather …
dsid it dry up in the afternoon?

yes, very nicely!

I left at lunch time as it looked so dull…

Gutted i missed it,

Hope you had fun guys,

Why does pesky look like he is pulling up his pants ??

Why does pesky look like he is pulling up his pants ??

I thought he was just about to do the funky chicken .


which one is the funky chicken?

someone must have told him that if he sticks his chin out more it will make his belly look smaller

which one is the funky [color:“blue”]gibbon [/color] ?

Looked like a good turnout. Even the weather looks ok

I just wished I could have joined you all


Yep, was an excellent turnout (nice to meet quite a lot of “new” faces"). Given the weather forecast, we were dead lucky - dry in the morning until about midday, then after a few showers, it dried out again from 3.30 onwards.

Exemplary driving standards all round, & not a red flag in sight all day - well done everybody

Once again, the lads from Scotland were there in force (mixture of Exiges/Elises/340R) - always great to see you enjoying yourselves, & hope you had safe journeys home

Finally, thanks to IDG for taking the photos, & Con for providing the lunchtime shelter from the rain (next time, please bring a BBQ too )

someone must have told him that if he sticks his chin out more it will make his belly look smaller

at least I won’t slip down a grid, unlike your goodself

Hmmm, now it sounds like a really great day missed. I should have cancelled my ‘prior engagement’ (a Club Lotus bash)

Cheers very much Pesky and to all involved, we all had a great time! Hope to see you all again soon! cheers Ed

Agreed…thanks to everyone who organised this, had a really great day and loved my first time at Cadwell !!

2nd trackday in the Exige and am loving it !

Glad everyone enjoyed the day. Thankfully the rain at lunchtime didn’t cause us too many issues.

Thanks to everyone for driving sensibly and getting round without any problems.

I had a chat with one of the Cadwell instructors at the end of the day who said it was the 1st trackday he’d worked at with no red flags and with such great and courteous driving standards.

Shows how good an Exiges day is.

Thanks again for organising the day for us Mark (I’ve already posted same on the LOT forum).


Sorry I didn’t know who you were when we met at the weekend. It was a great day so Thanks for your efforts in organising as you did us all proud.

It was was also great to meet so many “Famous Posters” even Pesky ! and yes your car is really really Orange !

Great day ! Very happy to have met you all and hope to see you guys again before next Exiges day.

Must save up for that supercharger and the new seat and the new brakes and the new wing and the…

If only I had … I could have gone so much faster !


Ex77 (Henry)

Thanks again for organising the day for us Mark (I’ve already posted same on the LOT forum).

No problems, I wanted to make sure I could make it this year without a clash like in previous years, it was also good to get the car out the garage again (1st time in 12 weeks apart from a pub meet it’s been used).

Where next year then?

Zandfort (however you spell it !) ??