Bosch Motorsport M4 ABS

Dave :laughing:

If you want to get on to Bosch and re-design their ABS system be my guest, just do me one favour, copy me in on their response! :smiley:

Looks good Johnny but was more taken by the girth of your small steering wheel :mrgreen:

Great looking car.

I think Johnny knows more about ‘small’ than ‘girth’


:mrgreen: Squeak

Quick update, the lads sussed out the gremlin-the bolt holding the solenoid on for up shifts (right hand side) worked its way loose but because of where it was located it couldn’t be got at on the day. New location, new bolts & will be wire locked…

We’ve not heard much from you Lord Bennett? All good? Any updates? Are both cars coming to Anglesey?

Maybe get your butler to post something for us if you’re too posh wafting around in yer Bentley :smiley:

Aloha Ben!

Currently away on an extended tour/holiday of the west coast of the US with family (and butler :wink:).
Still keeping up with nonetheless, and a belated Happy New Year to you and all.

Both cars will be at Anglesey, though the Evo is still having heat issues with boost- so with the use of man maths decided to put a bigger turbo in (3794) and intercooler oh and I couldn’t see the dash so same Motec as Lotus is also going in!

As to Bentley, calling it a Friday car wouldn’t do it justice, clearly it was someones leaving do in the factory and they had hookers and stripes on the bonnet the night before finishing mine. Its currently back in Manchester Bentley and negotiations have begun for a replacement 17 GTC.

Looking forward to the Easter Trip :slight_smile:

Ha ha nice one Chris. Enjoy buddy.

Go have dinner at the “Magic Castle”…It’s in West Hollywood. You will have to get an invite to get in, but it is well worth begging for. It will be a great evening.

Thanks for the advice, looks interesting but been and gone from LA, dined at Mastros Ocean Club in Malibu and AGO in West Hollywood (no sign of De Niro).

Best restaurant so far, Crab House Pier 39 San Francisco, tourist place, decor not fancy but packed out as food is spot on. Had the crab, steak & Sea Bass, basically ate till they booted me out.

Hopefully you will be out on track at Anglesey?!

Good to hear from you Chris, sounds like an awesome trip. Best to make a US trip before it turns into Trumpton eh!!

Cant wait to see both your cars again, hopefully this time sharing the circuit with you :thumbup:

Long time since we’ve heard from you Chris, what’s happening? We were all hoping to be treated to seeing both cars up at Anglesey…