Anglesey Northern Nonvoy

The Anglesey T/D will soon be upon us, just wondering what peoples thoughts are for times, meeting places etc.

  1. Lancaster Services 1.30/2.00pm Thursday 2nd April ?
  2. Chester Services 3.30/4.00pm ?
  3. Bull Llangefni 5.30/6.00 ?
  4. Need to check with the Bull about accommodation and early breakfast on Friday morning.
  5. Reminder about your T/D insurance notification.

Any more thoughts just add to the list :thumbup:

Looks good for the meeting up at Chester from us Midlanders!


I’ll join up from Warrington, or somewhere south of it, maybe Chester Services?

I still have the Welsh route map if anyone is up for that? Not last years detour, but good roads and a small sample of EVO land :sunglasses:

Good thinking, Peter. I note comments about The Bull, will check it out asap.
I’m on for a bit of a detour, too, if we can manage it.

I am up for detour too.

So we meet about 1 hour or so earlier?

The detour won’t add much time, it’s just far nicer than the regular route

Sounds good to me.

Times look good for me.

Detour sounds good to me too :slight_smile: Agree with Steve about meeting an hour earlier though?

Yeah, if we have a mystery tour would be best to set off an hour earlier.

I have maps!!!

Maps ? Sounds good Tim

Can we still go through the tunnels though :thumbup: :shh:

See you guys at Chester Services :smiley:

Right, first spanner in the works. Whilst I will definitely be at the Bull on Thursday evening I might not make the meet up at various services. For reasons which I will explain over a pint on Thursday night the car is being serviced on Wednesday and I’ve got to work (though thankfully to some extent) in Warrington on Thursday and won’t be done until at least 3pm.


Sadly I think these are off the menu Pete with now having camera’s. :laughing:

Just what’s needed… A cameras to catch the flames!!!

Sounds as though you will have the car finished then Dave :thumbup:

Might have to drop down into first gear then going through the tunnels to get the same sound effect :laughing:

Is it 3.30 at Chester,then

I’m starting from Warrington too - Birchwood Park. Fancy a two car convoy, although i’ll try to get away before 3pm.