Anglesey, northern convoy

Just chatting to Jabbs and wondering if we should get the timings sorted for next Thursday . . .
What does everyone think, usual format? Extreme northerners, mid-northerners like myself, meet Forton services . . . Then M6 to M56 services for Jabbs,Ted, MarkPH etc.
Jabbs did point out they were delayed by Bank Hol traffic last year so maybe an earlier start and rendezvous?

Earlier is fine for me Steve :slight_smile:

As Jabbs said it does tend to get quite busy due to holiday traffic.

Just looked back at last year’s texts and I was at M56 services on my own at 1,33pm and you were just at Forton at that time. I think I drove directly from Ollie’s after a cock-up on my part over a service.
Should we all make Forton for 12.30 this time?

Bloody hell Thommo, last years txts :open_mouth: You should work in journalism :laughing:
Lets try and miss the Bank holiday traffic if that suits with everybody else.


Yeahs he’s defo a hack,…they weren’t texts on his phone :laughing:

Just a well ordered life . . .although Mrs Thommo would disagree. :wink:

12.30 or earlier at Forton good with me

After 11.30 is fine with me at Forton. I’d like some company as it will be the furthest I’ve driven for over 3 months (though I’m not anticipating any “excitement”)

Looks like 12/ 12.30 is a goer, depending join TIM, Andrew and GP. Shall we await their response?

Fine with me Steve :smiley:

I need to decide whether or not to take the day off. If not i will just have to meet up at the Bull.

I’ll have a think about it…


And . . . Steve, will you contact AndrewB?

Will do

Top man!

Apparently I am now medically fully fit. That just leaves the issue of mentally fit… :slight_smile:

Great news, Paul.

Anyone staying over Friday night at the Bull? I’ve decided to stay and drive back on Saturday to avoid the Bank Holiday traffic and to avoid knackering myself out.

Why don’t you do the Saturday track day too Paul.

Too much for me at the moment.

I’ve booked a day’s leave for Thursday so can meet the northern boyz at Penrith :smiley: