Anglesey, northern convoy


What time do you think you’ll be at Chester Services lads???

Now, then, now, then . . due to unforseen circumstances, I won’t now be joining the convoy at Forton Services but hope to make the M56 rendezvous.
In view of that does someone from the extreme northern convoy wish to finalise a time at Forton (12/12.30 was mentioned), then MarKPH can prob work out timings from there to M56?

Well how about 12 noon at Forton? Andrew and me will leave at 10.30 and meet Tim at 11 to 11.15am at Penrith.

So why cant you make Forton Thommo? Sunday Sport photo shoot? :wink: Mrs T has plans for you? :slight_smile:

12 noon is fine by me

We should be there for about 12.15.

Ollie was due to service the yellow beauty today(Mon) but sadly he is ill. So I’ve made emergency arrangements for a service and MoT at Chris Faulds in Huddersfield. At 8.30am. So if all goes well I should be in clear for run to M56 services at whatever time, you fellas decide.

What time we saying at Chester Services then fellas so myself and the old man :open_mouth: can meet you :slight_smile:


Should be about 2pm Mark.

OK, myself, C1RVY and TommyRacer will see you there at 14:00!



We will be taking up more of the car park at Chester this year guys :slight_smile:

Looks like the Yorkshire contingent won’t get to Chester services this year in time.
We are likely setting off from Hartshead services on M62 at 3pm, should be at Chester around 4
Anyone else from further afield is welcome to tag along

Great stuff Steve. See you all there at 2pm :smiley:

OK so. Any advance on 1215 at Forton services?


Yeah if traffic heavy lets say 12:16 :slight_smile:

Pure comedy :slight_smile: See you tomorrow chaps.

Don’t forget your indemnity forms either. And your driving licence.

Gone a bit pear-shaped here. Service in Huddersfield 8.30am as previously planned but will have to go home first before,possibly, hitting the road south to Anglesey. Prob won’t make M56 rendezvous. But if all is well at home, will drive straight to The Bull. Just have to see how it goes.

That doesn’t sound good.