Anglesey Friday 23rd October with BAT

:laughing: yea baby :thumbup:

Great vid! Looked like lots of fun guys!!

With work and family life pretty manic it felt pretty self-indulgent to be abandoning everything end heading off Thu night and training it towards North Wales. Aside from being heaving, the train out of Euston to Bangor in a little over 3hrs is a very convenient service. By the time I got to the hotel at 10:30 I thought I’d have a quick beer and in doing so met a gang of guys who were heading to the circuit in the morning,.result,…lift to the circuit secured. They were however prone to some extended faffing about in the morning though, to the extent that we were late and missed the briefing…doh :unamused:

The car was already in the pit garage by the time I got there, so whilst waiting for the second briefing there was time to get the mirrors on and apply the decals. I was well pleased with the result to be honest, I think it looks the DBs :sunglasses: Excuse the rubbish iPhone pic,…the poor camera did not really know what to do with an orange that saturated!!

Dave had missed the briefing too so once we’d dispatched that we belted in and got ready to head out onto a damp and greasy Anglesey coastal. With both cars running I heard the distintive ‘thunk’ as Dave selected 1st and I reciprocated,…a quick exchange of thumbs-up and we’re off down the pitlane…proper exciting stuff. The circuit was very slippery and remained so all day, and from that very first session Dave and I had a LOT of fun. It was also extremely quiet and at times I think Dave and I had the circuit completely to ourselves.

A big reason for me getting the R300 was to improve my car control and move my driving on a bit. Chasing Dave in an R300 around a wet and slippery Anglesey,…well I don’t think you can get a more intensive course than that. We were not hanging around, but for 90% of the time the dial was turned to maximum hoonery rather than trying to go quick,…and boy was it fun. We were crossed-up out of pretty much every corner on the circuit, slip sliding around like nutters for lap after lap after lap. I’m definitely making progress with the car and my driving, finding some confidence, speed and really loving it. We spent quite a bit of time on circuit, trading places and tearing it up over some pretty extended sessions. It was great to see Sean and Ian later on the day, and as I think they will attest, the pair of us were having a ball. By the end of the day I was absolutely knackered.

What a day,…perhaps the most fun I’ve ever enjoyed on circuit. Anglesey is such a special place, I can’t wait to be back there again…I’ll have some news on that in the next week or two. Thanks for this pic Ian,…‘dab of oppo onto the pit straigght’ :sunglasses:

Enjoyed reading your experiences with the new car Ben! You both look like your having fun!! :slight_smile:

Thanks Graham,…are you back on the scene? Have you got yourself a car yet?

I have! But it was a bit of a turn around to what I originally was looking for. Initially I was after a replacement for my last S1. Then thinking about how I was going to use the car mainly road miles as I want to spend as much time as I can taking my son out, the S1 was just too hardcore. And after a bit of a over spend on my house extension left my car fund a little short. So I decided on an S2. Picked up a nice low miles 240 cup which is in storage till the house is finished hopefully be out in it next year!

Well Graham and well done Ben & Dave!

Great photos boys, looks like you had a lot of fun :clap: . I can definetly see the appeal of the 7’s :smiley:

Great news Graham!! I understand it won’t be doing much circuit work but I hope it will make it to Wales next Easter…

Looks awesome! Great to see you enjoying your new beasts so much :thumbup: :sunglasses:

Great memory refresh of Easter for me, reading this.

Great write-up, Ben. I understand even more clearly now why you were so chuffed with your Anglesey outing.
Absolutely brilliant. Love the decals etc,too…

I’m sure that could be arranged!! Be good to have a catch up!

Not had time to edit a proper vid so just chopped a couple of mins out of a session that had me chasing Dave.

We basically spent on all day doing this :smiley:

Love it :mrgreen:

I believe its £3k to book Anglesey for a private day :clap:
If anyone ever needed to ask why we do what we do, play that video.
Spot on guys gutted i missed it.

Yes, vid confirms it. Great day out. Pity about the squeaking brakes!

I love squeaky brakes! - just feels ‘racecar’ !

Brakes are only squeaking because of not enough heat… quiet when it’s a dry day and you can use them properly…