Anglesey Friday 23rd October with BAT

Still not made a plan yet,…but it does look like rain for Friday. Make sure Jonny puts yer Turbowanks on the wagon eh Dave :smiley:

The forecast I saw this morning was for cloud only… but either way it’ll be fun ! :smiley:

Yeah I actually don’t care to be honest.

There’s loads of places left if anyone fancies it…right now it looks like a very quiet day.


Plans are finally getting sorted.

Booked into the Bull at Llangefni. A small group of us will be there Friday night for a shandy and a bite.

On the train heading to Anglesey :sunglasses: well once I’ve got across town to Euston I will be. Bring it :smiley:

Woohoo !.. see you in the morning buddy!

:smiley: It’s only a matter of time fella’s, have a great day :thumbup:

Hope you got a group discount. They are very obliging at the Bull.
Beer’s good too.

enjoy boys!

Avoid the Brains!!!


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Enjoy the day guys

Go on make me jealous.

dropped ben a text “lunch?” as I drove past his office this morning, only to utter bastards when I remembered they were off having fun moments later.

What a day… what a day… I think this pic probably sums it up quite well !

Google Photos

:thumbup: I like it

Love it

Totally, undeniably, absolutely, positively,categorically fookin’ awesome day :sunglasses:

We did a LOT of skids,…and now I’m going to sleep…

This was done to to varying levels of success on most corners most of the day!

Big thanks to Sean for the video…