And so it begins....

I am now on the slippery slope of mods for my Exige or as I like to call it a well deserved Christmas presie for my Exige

My cars at Plans for Christmas getting a few things fitted
46mm Ohlins
Can’t wait

And for Valentine’s day?

I am now on the slippery slope of mods for my Exige or as I like to call it a well deserved Christmas presie for my Exige

My cars at Plans for Christmas getting a few things fitted
46mm Ohlins
Can’t wait

And for Valentine’s day?

Mmmm I wonder what SC could mean???

Sore Cxxx?

Get your mind out the gutter man!

Like the sound of the Ohlins - don’t think that many people have gone that way, probably mostly because of the cost.

There has been quite a bit of debate over the benefits of an ARB upgrade and several people have actually posted that it made their car worse - what was your thinking on this?

I have talked through all the possibilities with Graham and am to a large degree relying on his knowledge on the set-up. The ARB was recomeneded by Plans. Have some time booked on the TG track on the 3rd Jan when I pick the car up so will give a full report on my first impressions. Guess I will have 400 mile trip back up to Edinburgh to ponder the road manners too.

hope it goes well for you

all sounds fun but personally I wouldn’t bother with an LSD.

There does seem to be quite a divide on the LSD front, would not have bothered if I was not intending to fit the SC.

was reading this magazine article in which even lotus seem to say the LSD is sh*te and slower around the hethel test track.
is only an option due to consumer demand

Yes had seen that but Lotus have fitted a torsion unit. Had a couple of chats with Russell at Lotus sport who recommended the Quaife ATB over the torsion unit. Again will tell all once I have driven it.

seems a bit wierd how lotus fits one unit then recommends another type of unit. then at the same time say the car works best without any unit.
oh well.

I believe the LSD is something they’ve introduced primarily for the American market because Autocrossing is more popular there. Traction out of extremely tight bends is obviously important in events like that. However, the LSD apparently increases understeer and is therefore more of a hinderance on proper cicuits. Also, I think Lotus have stated that the LSD is only recommended in conjunction with their new traction control system which helps to maintain the balance.

Again, I personally wouldn’t bother. The Exige has excellent traction without an LSD.

I agree with Brendan. His comments are along the lines of those posted on the factory BBS (Nick Adams).


All the 2005 model year Exige cups had LSD as standard, so I can’t see that Lotus could be accused of doing it because of customer demand…

I am looking forward to seeing how the car runs with the LSD. I guess I will be in a better place to comment on the Exige + LSD. I have put my trust in people who should know there a*se from their elbow (Plans & Lotus Sport).

Hi Jamie, how goes it in the States? Out of curiosity a couple of queries… as Ragnorak presumably designed it for the Elise rather than the Exige, where does the intercooler go, if it has one? Guess you will retain some rear vis unlike the factory SC kit? Also wondering just how much labour is involved fitting it - does the engine have to come out (again!)? And are you still going to be using this hyper Exige as your everyday wheels ?

Merry Xmas! Mark.

Hi Mark
All is good over here, no injuries yet!
The intercooler is fitted in the driver side side scoop. It is sealed in with its own fan. ReVerie side scoops can be used to increase airflow too. This means rear view is unchanged. Plus there is very little heat soke compared to the factory charger, as the intercooler is not in the engine bay.

Labour wise the estimate is 16-20 hours. It�s a clam off job rather than an engine out job. Greg at Hanger is expecting it to take them a few more hours to get it just right but should be able to do it within the estimate once they have done it once.

For peace of mind there are a few extras some should be part of the kit some are just nice to have. Accusump, uprated clutch should be part of the kit but are extras. Also is also maybe worth having to stop detonation.

And yes it will still be my only car Although I am about to lose my parking space at work so I see a bus in my future

Merry Christmas to you too!
Cheers Jamie

Trouble with water injection is that for it to make any gains to engine needs to be mapped around it and if it susequently breaks then the engine is at risk.

True, the mapping will have to be changed for the SC anyway. Will also fit a pressure gauge for the system.