An epic day !

Non Exige content but thought I would post on here that I was lucky enough to get a drive in an F1 car last Friday a Blyton Park , I did 5 laps in a Minardi M198 1998 proper V10 F1 , the experience was incredible , one of the best days of my life .

Ace !
Any video coming ?
we need a full write up m8 :wink:

No video onboard but one of the TDF lads that run the car caught the last few laps on his phone , obviously I haven’t driven an F1 car before or any other car on any track , can’t believe I did it :crazy:

YouTube clip :

Awesome!! How do you go about arranging that??

:sunglasses: lucky man

My dad has owned and driven a few Classic F1s for some years now , he wanted me to have a go .

Paul, what an absolutely wonderful thing to be able to experience - top marks to your dad, & same to you for earning his respect :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

The stuff of everyone’s dream here - mega chuffed for you :mrgreen:

Good man, well done it must have been awesome :sunglasses:

Thanks Pesky , I had to look at the photos the next morning to make sure I hadn’t dreamt it , I think it was expected that I would stall it a few times ( that’s why I ran with the engine cover off for easy restarting and hydraulic pressure top up ) with probably a spin or two while I tootle round in second gear so I was amazed with how it went .

That’s absolutely awesome :sunglasses: fantastic that your Father can share his passion with you.

I wish my old man was into owning classic F1 cars,…he’s into macro-photography of microscopic insects :frowning:

WOW! :smiley:

absolute utter, utter, …lucky bloke

Yeah it was a very emotional day , TBH I have bottled an opportunity before purely because my dads a lot to live up to , I very much doubted that I could just jump in a 1998 F1 car and drive it without making a huge cock of myself and also the huge costs of damage if anything went wrong .

very jealous! and very well driven from what I could see!

Cool! What an experience to have had! :clap:

You did a great job mate… the TG Hamster stalled it several times before he even got going! Not to mention the later spins!

Did you manage to put the pedal to the metal… I would love to hear a description of what that felt like! :sunglasses:

Drove a Tyrell F1 car at Mallory 15 yrs ago.One of the last ones when they were sponsored by Courtalds and Camel with a Cosworth V8.Amazing experience.Like a bomb going off behind you coming out of the hairpin.Just like a big go-kart. :laughing:

Absolutely brilliant, nice one :clap: Blytons corners must be pretty tight in a F1 car, you did well

The nearest track to me is Hungaroring and they are running some F1 sessions. Very tempted now I’ve seen that… except it will cost me about 2 years of motorsport budget for the 5 laps! Then again, it could be worth it :slight_smile:

Brilliant. Always loved Minardis

Paul - wish I had known you were there matey I would have popped across :slight_smile: - how did you find Blyton in a F1 - the straights must have seemed rather short…

I’m sure I heard the engine noise in Doncaster!!!