An epic day !

Hi mate , yeah a little tight and very bumpy down the straight throwing the car from one side of the track to the other , so much so one of the tripod joints on one of the drive shafts snapped , they opened up the chicanes so the straight was much longer .

Thanks mate , it feels pretty much how you imagine but X2 , the sheer power from the 800hp pneumatic valve V10 is incredible , instant hyperspace throttle with huge vibration through the car , the car feels unbelievably light and the grip is mind blowing , it all happens in fast forward , it’s hard to describe really .

Broken tripod joint .

Was it really that scary?

TBH i didnt feel it happen , we think it happened on the last lap , obviously it put an end to the test day .

That is bloody seaweed mate! :mrgreen:

Haha yeah it looks a bit like seaweed , The car has just had a year long rebuild and it hadn’t run before that since it was put away in 1998 , Blyton was perfect really for shaking down the car to show up things like this , luckily he has spares .

Very cool, hope to do something like this myself one day.

Certainly if I won the lottery Id be at down at Lotus placing an order for a T125!


(You may have been too subtle for some there though :smiley: )

If you read moonim’s reply in the way you meant it it’s even funnier (funnier still if he was being funny!) :laughing:

It does make you wonder why people pay all that money for a La Fezzer when you can have one of these things .

They are pretty much “put the key in and turn” as well. No big team needed to nurse it into life, you and a couple of mates could run it quite easily.

One of my dream motors.


Sounds like it was great fun.

Didn’t Lotus do a single seater that came with Lotus support that ran the car so you just told them where you would like to drive it and they would sort it all or is that the same car?

That’d be the T125.

That’s the one. You can either buy it and run it yourself or lotus will give you a full customer support package.

I wonder if the support package are part of the workforce currently under threat. Lotus are hardly selling more cars than Morgan. I hope the engineering business is ok. :frowning:

We could always arrange a trip out here …


AGS Formula 1 - Take 2 - YouTube