Air intake Sorted!

but the plate itself may be attached with dual sided adhesive tape, and may take some convincing to come off (it may also break, but that’s �10 at Halfords for another)

Suggest you use velcro tape (again from Halfords!)

Picture Here

Thanks lads, will try it tonite. Still not convinced about getting the air filter onto the airbox though, the edge of the airbox opening sits right st a pipe withonly about 2mm of a gap. Dont want to force it.


Phil, did you not sell me your car back in Sept?
Have you since bought another?
I recognised your user No.W140 YAL.
If you are the Phil that sold me W401 YAL. It is running superb since changing to Magnecours and adjusting the throttle. Hope you are well.

the edge of the airbox opening sits right st a pipe withonly about 2mm of a gap. Dont want to force it.

How come?, what pipe is it close to? there shouldn’t be anything there. Can you see if that pipe can be moved and fastened aganst the pillar on the left?

Will do Uldis, looking at brendans engine bay it looks to me that the neck of the carbon airbox is longer than mine.
It was on it when I bought the car.


There should be a fibreglass insert (approx 3" long) fitted between the end of the trunking & the airbox. This enables the cone to seat properly in the airbox, & also gives the jubilee clips material to tighten on. Picture Here with left hand jubilee clip tightened on the insert Picture showing the insert fastened to the airbox Here

A few months ago, I obtained a replacement insert from Lotus Motorsports dept - cost about �10.

Mine had both filters installed and followed the Lotus recommendation, you know how picky they are over warranty issues, “sorry sir your air filter was in the wrong place” i removed the filter at the box end as recommended

I used to always have my car serviced at Kett Hall or when that closed the ex-MS facility at Hethel. They always placed the single air filter at the airbox end. I’m not saying that that’s because that is where is should go…I think it just depends on who serviced it, what side of the bed they got out of that morning and where it was when they started the service!

Originally posted by Phil Davies:

Also was the filter at the air box end? it should have been at the open end of the piping !


Are you sure about this? I'm not aware of anybody else's running like that.

me !!! i’m running like this…

bleedin heck boys I can’t believe that i go out for an evening and come back to 2-whole pages about which end to connect the air filter… holy sucking air noizes Batman !!!

Mine is connected to the open end of the pipe and thence onto the side scoop by virtue of a highly technical and very specially fashioned 150mm PLANT POT !!

It’s been like this for ages and I don’t believe that the foam could get ripped by ingress of anything in this position. I also cut a BIG slot in my plant-pot to permit some air and stones and sh1t to escape into the engine bay (cause i was, at the time a bit worried about cutting all the cooling air off from th eengine bay here)

The reasons I connected it at this end are 4-fold:

  1. The lotus recommendation seemed to be for this end from the handbook
  2. It was easier, its also easier to check its condition and remove it for cleaning.
  3. I thought (naively) at the time that leaving it at the airbox end meant it would interfere with free-flow of air around the intake plenum (ie in this position the filter protrudes over the closest trumpet)
  4. Fitted at the open end protects the inside of the duct from dirt ingress (although you folks say it doesn’t seem to get dirty anyway ??)
    ohh… and… 5. even after removing the jubillee clips from the airbox end… my ducting doesn’t want to come-off the airbox… and it looks neater with only 2-jubillee clips at this end… rather than the clutter you boys have got around there with 3 clips yeeuuch…

A few months ago, I obtained a replacement insert from Lotus Motorsports dept - cost about �10.

What did you run out of gaffer tape?

What did you run out of gaffer tape?


Whilst I appreciated your undoubted “Blue Peter” expertise that day at Donington, I decided to splash out & buy a replacement for the item, which I had singlehandedly knackered by over tightening the jubilee clip The real reason was, of course, that the amount of tape you used was just adding too much weight, & it was slowing me down

Eventually managed to get everything fitted together, although I couldnt get the end of the pipe (which is a piece of toilet waste pipe from homebase!)to fit securely to the intake at the side of the car. It’s sitting over the intake and I went for a half hour run to see if it would move and it was ok. I dont know if it was my imagination but at low speeds the car was quieter. Not so boomy, I assume that at higher speeds more air should get into the airbox.

I thought the reason Lotus didn’t connect it up to the vent in the first place was to keep noise down?!


Mine is connected to the open end of the pipe and thence onto the side scoop by virtue of a highly technical and very specially fashioned 150mm PLANT POT !!

It’s been like this for ages and I don’t believe that the foam could get ripped by ingress of anything in this position. I also cut a BIG slot in my plant-pot to permit some air and stones and sh1t to escape into the engine bay (cause i was, at the time a bit worried about cutting all the cooling air off from th eengine bay here)

Somehow I knew the plant pot was going to come out in this thread…

I thought the reason Lotus didn’t connect it up to the vent in the first place was to keep noise down?!


Ian - I think that without the connection, more noise stays in the car, so the driver hears it more - whereas with the connection more noise goes outside the car, so the noisemeter hears it !!!

I say “sodem” - if God didn’t want people to hear the glorious music of an Exige at full blast, he wouldn’t have given them ears!!!

I see Mike, I take it that because the end of the duct is now 100mm wide that wont affect the amount of air getting in at slow speeds?

Rox, the plant pot idea sounds better than what I did. Did it fit over the intake sleeve ok? Which end of the plant pot did you put into the ducting?

I think the MS parts from Lotus only cost �30 and fit correctly first time - is it really worth all the bother of plant pots, etc unless your looking to display at Chelsea next year!

Rox, the plant pot idea sounds better than what I did. Did it fit over the intake sleeve ok? Which end of the plant pot did you put into the ducting?

What you have done sounds pretty much like what Uldis done… the only extra thing you need to do is put some foam around the inside edge of the pipe you offer up to the vent in th eside of the car. You need to use just enough foam so that its a tight push-fit… bobs yer auntie…

However, what I done is difficult to explain and I already tried to explain it here … have a look…

Unfortunately I don’t have a digital camera so I can’t post up any pics… all I can say is that I think it works… The ducting fits inside the 150mm ‘top’ of the plant-pot. and the other narrower end (modified) fits over the vent in the car.

I think the MS parts from Lotus only cost �30 and fit correctly first time - is it really worth all the bother of plant pots, etc unless your looking to display at Chelsea next year!

bahh humbug… it only took me about an hour and was fun to do Steve - I also did it on a whim and didn’t have to wait 6 months for my dealer to get the kit or drive 150miles there and back to collect it . Also, i didn’t want to completely enclose the intake from the car… but i know what you mean… it must be the engineer in me…

… it must be the engineer in me…

Is that Phil MacCrackin?