Adjustable ARB

Ok, at risk of appearing to be advertising, here is some info on the Plans ARB and Plans Ohlins (we do other shocks too, namely Nitron and Dynamics) but as this thread wasmainly about Ohlins and ARB settings…

We do 36mm Factory Ohlins kits and our own special 46mm kits.

Each set is sold with the Lotus set up guide and our own user guide… and we always offer a “call us from any circuit and we’ll talk you through what adjustments you could try to neutralise any particular handling characteristic”

Our ARB is made in two versions, track-day (the equivalent of the Lotus product) or race (stiffer still)

There are from T45 steel, made by a McLaren subcontractor, and come with all fittings and bushes.

Graham, do you rebuild Dynamic suspension aswell

Dynamic themselves want �150 +vat each to rebuild/service them and nitron won’t touch them