Ade look away

Well not just Ade…
Been spending today!!!
New AIM MXS dash going into the car for Anglesey, will put pictures up when it arrives Monday /Tuesday next week.
John get that wiring sorted please…
So giddy cant wait…
Also fitting the GP Smartycam
It will be ace seeing the gear position for the sequential box in the dash.

very nice, John’s seemed to have that install down licked now

All but the fuel ???

New fuel widget to play with, that hopefully has the fuel thing sorted.

John if ur coming up this way swing by my house in York :smiley:

I have my hands full of suspension upgrades, I can ignore the AIM bling… I hope!

I bet you can’t!! :wink:

they found a way to smooth the fuel readings out yet?

On the Toyota cars, the fuel sender goes through the ECU which sorts out the fuel reading. Widget in the car for testing on Rover cars.

Ade, where did you get the Nitrons from?

lucky to find a very low mileage, year old set with no track use, 2nd hand.

What do know of their valving and Spring settings?

Luckily they are well documented so I have everything, heavy springs at 600\800 though, but only a little more than mine currently

I think my Randy’s do a good job, soft valving , heavy springs, one way but old size. I fancy Dave’s valving on his 3 ways. Maybe one year during a suspension refresh I’ll look at a version of these in a 46 ( perhaps one way). …and rose joints.

New Aim Dash surely not!
Chop Chop John…

You should have a ride in mine at Anglesey… You will see what 3 ways are like ( especially over the kerbs) I would also like to show off my new dash ( hopefully)
Gonna get Ade to look at the dash. He knows it makes sense!!

Hopefully? Have a little faith man!!

Don’t 3-ways take an age to setup and need twiddling for each circuit? Which is fine if enjoy that sort of thing.

Not really, yes you can tweak for all circuits buts that’s also true for 1 ways as well

I generally have a dry setting and a wet setting (which is the same as the road setting!) and in between is the moist setting! I don’t think I’ll ever be at the stage where multiple fiddles will make any difference.
I’d like to see what your vavling feels like Dave. Did anyone say ‘sequential’?