3-11 News

Sounds interesting…

I’d have thought sub 1,000kgs would have been an achievement. If it goes sub 900 I’ll eat my wardrobe of hats :smiley:

Crikey !!

very interesting

Ooo, that sounds yum.


So wikipedia weights for S2 exige and 2-eleven were 933 and 670 KG respective. So they lost 28%

So new V6 is what 1178KG and shedding 28% would make the 3-eleven 848KG, add some in for the CC and the fact they probably can’t achieve the same amount and 890 sounds doable.

Then again… 472hp/ton is only a few KG and 30hp away from where mine is…

It’s all about those few KG’s and that 30hp though mate :wink:

You are forgetting about adding in a full cage… and the fact that the new subframe looks to be substantially heavier than the S2 was… and the bigger/heavier wheels and brakes on the S3 platform.

They may get it under 1000kg… perhaps sell it with a sequential box as standard… I’m sure it would be quite a weapon, but I’m not really sure on the purpose… if you want to be the fastest on the track in a non-road car, you’d go and buy a radical or something along those lines that has been designed from the ground up as a race car with proper aero etc…

Maybe they are making it to create another class in LOT racing and that’s where most of the sales will come from…

472 bhp/ton in a standard car is worlds away from 472 in a heavily modded car…
potential is huge !

You can add 100kg to that 2-eleven weight in the real world though. Lotus said it was 670 and it was nowhere near. Hence why if they say sub-900kg for the 3-11 I’m pretty convinced it will be over a tonne in reality.


I do get why Lotus are doing this but I reckon pricing is gonna be really key especially in the UK.

The historical marketplace adversaries for the 211 were the Atom and the Caterham 7. Both of the other two have grown up and now have seriously focussed cars now in the form of the 3.5R and the 620R. Both are lightweight with screaming charged 4 pots and Sadev sequentials. Now the 311 will be more powerful but also a lot heavier and although no doubt sequential will be an option,…at what premium?

Let’s see the final spec and pricing but in the UK at least I reckon it’s quite a tiny and crowded segment.

Just checked the other two retail around the £50k mark.

It will be almost double that I reckon.


If we say it’s going to be 80k… and whoever buys it is going to be using as a pure track car…

Why wouldn’t you buy a Juno, Radical or Vdev, or something designed from the ground up to be a race car instead ?

I’m sure the handling will be sweet but I’m with Dave, for an out-and-out trackcar at that pricepoint a dedicated race machine will be more focussed. OK I can see there being a dedicated category in LOT but using V6CupR as a proxy, there’s only a couple of runners in the UK and the NA Honda S1 still appears to be the car at the pointy end of the grid.

In terms of the 211’s adversaries and looking at the power/weight claims the 311’s 472bhp/ton goes up against the Caterham’s 560bhp/ton and the Atom’s 630bhp/ton…

This is going to be about price point, if it is £50-60k I think they will sell, at £80k they will have a load sitting in dealers :frowning:

Price point matters little
Unless its about 15k I cant afford one so all this talk is irrelevant to me!!

I cant see these selling for less than 75k, not sure lotus will be bothered how many they move on either. To me it is all about promotion of the brand. Getting a good Ring lap time and keeping the brand in the news. Any new car from Lotus rehashed or not has to be positive in my opinion. They have been a dead man walking for many years and perhaps just maybe there is chink of light at the end of the hadron collider

yeah it’s to pump the exige sales

“the 3-elevan is the fastest thing around the ring, and mine’s basically that with a roof - ergo I win”