2018 Exiges.com Track Day

Ben, thanks for all your hard graft.
Is there any mileage in booking direct with the circuit? Club Lotus do just that with Goodwood, ie they don’t go through a track organiser.
It would require stumping up front with the cash, but between us I’d have thought that was not beyond our wit.
It also means the cost of the day is less than the already well priced LoT days at the same venue.
I’ll try and make the day whatever the decision.

Honestly, the hassle Ben goes through (I see a little bit of it) just to get this event happening at all is plenty enough without thinking about complicating things further by trying to do it direct… can you imagine the chasing of payments etc,etc… I’ve seen forums try it before and they always struggle for numbers even though people have verbally committed.

Ben and previous organisers do this with no benefit… could it be cheaper? - possibly… do you want to be on an airfield or thrown off after 2 hours because of noise? but if it’s 50 quid extra to guarantee good organisation, a great day, and a great circuit… I think it’s more than worth it.

The way I see it is that Ben has done all he can (votes/possibilities/etc) to be fair, and some people still aren’t happy ?! :confused: :unamused:

Lets see how many people volunteer to organise it next time ?

You turn your back for five minutes . . . :open_mouth:
At least the debate is being conducted without resorting to abuse

As you’ve quoted my post I’ll have to assume all of your comments are aimed at me.
I think it was reasonable to infer from Ben’s post yesterday that he was still looking at options.
I believe my post is nothing more than offering a suggestion. It may have been considered, it may not have been thought of, I don’t know, I don’t recall it being discussed before.
It was in no way intended to be any form of criticism. Apologies if it comes over that way, I don’t beieve that’s how it reads.
To infer from that that I am unhappy with the hard work that has already been undertaken and no doubt more heartache to follow, is unfair.

Don’t worry lads, it’s all cool in school.

Trying to reach consensus on an internet forum is difficult,…it’s actually impossible. I do my utmost to get the opinion of the community but ultimately someone has to take the lead and Pesky passed the buck to me.

I have to be realistic though, I’ve got a full-on job and x3 young kids so much as I’d love to invest huge amounts of time in a bespoke extravaganza for the community,…I simply don’t have the bandwidth. We need a date in the diary to allow those that want to attend to manage their lives and for me to go into the usual mode of firing off emails when I have the time to try to ensure we fill the day.

I’m working with BaT to pursue Anglesey on Easter Monday. This was clearly the favoured option from those the filled in the survey. Some people would prefer a different TDO, some a different circuit, some a different date etc etc but right now the energy I can invest, is in making Anglesey on Easter Monday happen.

Yes its a bit formulaic to go to Anglesey at Easter but the formula has always delivered.

Watch this space, hopefully I’ll have an update later today.

See Ben, I think he does love you despite the meme video dancing he posts! :smiley:

You have amazing ‘bandwidth’ mate!

Thanks so much for all your hard efforts over the years… and of course to Rob prior. :clap: :clap: :clap:

It’s the best TD all year… camaraderie in spades. Even for those of us now with ‘Elise’s’! :laughing:

Sorry Graeme, no… your post didn’t read like that and my reply wasn’t all aimed at you - just the suggestion about organising directly - which I understand why you would suggest it, but suspect it would require even more organisation and chasing around than the current method does.

I love you guys :laughing:

We’ve just kissed and made up via PM. Menage a trois Foxxy?

That’s not gonna happen today sorry. Next week earliest…

Doggers :smiley:

Contemplating all of the considerable virtues of an Exige, a dogging site does not stand out as the pinnacle.

Gulling, however…

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Reply of the year!

Brilliant! :clap: :laughing: :sunglasses:

Any update yet Ben?

I’ve already chased today Ade, I’m hopeful we’ll have some news this week…

Awesome, just trying to work out if I can do it or not, we have family over from Australia going home over easter so it is going to be tough to make it :frowning:

Looking forward to the “reveal” . . . a word I don’t care to use but which now seems to be common currency among the plebs on TV and elsewhere.
Maybe I’m getting old, bitter and twisted . . .

Getting ?